Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Bp Marketing Problem After Oil Spill

British Petroleum’s Marketing Problem Florida International University Summer 2011 Alex Del Veccio Yudith Torres BP Marketing Problem In April 20th, 2010 one of the worst environmental natural disasters that were brought on by a men happened. We are talking about the British petroleum Oil spill on the Golf Coast. The disaster not only affected the plants, animals and people living in the area but also the image of the company. British Petroleum has been successful on creating a powerful brand image, being authentic to the core values of its business and building the goodwill of their customers, now BP is trying to save what is left after the disaster. The disaster leads to many angry people, including environmentalists, shareholders and the general public to create campaigns to bring down the company reputation. BP has been accused of 11 workers dead and 17, injured. The extent of the spill is about the size of Rhode Island, running across the northern Gulf of Mexico between the mouth of the Mississippi River and Florida. The spill runs wide, threatening the coastlines, and deep, traveling beneath about 5,000 feet of water and 13,000 feet under the seabed. The Deepwater Horizon well is leaking 5,000 barrels per day, shutting down fishing across the affected areas, damaging fragile habitats and putting animals in peril. BP was also accused of trying to silence the scientists that were studying the effects of the oil spill, not allowing publishing researches done for the company; this clause was expressed in their contacts. The entire situation has position BP with a bad corporate image in the entire world leading to customer to refuse buying its products. This crisis has result in a negative publicity, threatening the image of the company and having effects on people perception of the company and its products. BP has responded to the event, trying to diminish the severity of the contamination, in a desperate effort not to lose its social legitimacy and seen to being irresponsible and dishonest with the public. These are a few of many pictures that were put out there by the media, making the problem even worse for British Petroleum, those images were directly associated with the corporation, death, contamination, social irresponsibility, unhappy people. BP has a huge problem, they need to make people to stop associating those images with its corporation and products, and recover its good name again. Consumer Behavior Issues as a result of BP the oil spill Consumer attitudes toward BP products were badly affected by the oil spill; there was not favorable opinion about the corporation resulting on the decline of consumer intentions to buy BP products. BP oil spill has impacted purchasing behavior, the spill rattled the company, causing the stock to lose about half its value and prompting Tony Hayward CEO to resign and be replaced by Bob Dudley, But the company was able to get the oil gusher stopped and has been paying to repair the damage to the local economy. The company is paying to cleanup an estimated of $20 billion, as a result the company temporarily suspending its dividend, in another blow to investors. The dividends were reinstated in February 2011. Despite the fact that many surveys has showed that people has no intention to boycott or switch from BP brand ( (Harrison) the consumer perception of the company was reflected on consumer willingness to invest on BP stocks, maybe because many of them were normative influenced altering their behavior to meet public opinion expectations. Consumer awareness has shifted dramatically when there is a catastrophe related to a big corporation such as British Petroleum, consumers has jointed forces and organized protests to show their disgruntlement with the corporation and pressing them to take full responsibility for the disaster. The oil spill has had effected no only on consumer attitudes towards BP products, but to other industries too. Approximately 71% of consumers were still concerned about the safety of consuming seafood, and 23% reported they have reduced their seafood consumption as a result of the oil spill ( (Bianco) Consumer analysis Of British Petroleum after oil spill According to a Brand Index Survey, (Index, 2010) British Petroleum public image went below Goldman Sachs (and investment bank many feel contributed to the financial crisis' in 2008). This Survey that came out in June 2010 show these findings. Only Toyota who went through a massive recall shows worse. Many more surveys show that consumers were not please with British petroleum (eye, 2010) Following are s few notes from the article on the corporate eye's website (eye, 2010): * From an Economist and YouGov survey: When it comes to trusting BP to â€Å"do the right thing in stopping the oil spill and cleaning it up,† 9% of respondents said they trust BP â€Å"a great deal† and 13% trust BP â€Å"quite a bit† while 20% have â€Å"only some† trust that BP will do the right thing, and another 20% said they have â€Å"very little† trust that BP will do the right thing. The majority of respondents, 28%, trust BP â€Å"not at all. †Ã‚   The remaining respondents stated that they were not sure how they felt. * From the same Economist and YouGov survey: 65% of respondents believe that BP and other companies involved in the oil spill are â€Å"pointing the blame on others and avoiding responsibility† while just 35% believe BP and other companies involved are â€Å"doing whatever it takes to stop the spill and clean up the oil. † * From a USA Today/Gallup poll: 34% of the respondents rated BP’s response to the spill as â€Å"poor† and 39% rated it as â€Å"very poor†. Only 6% rated BP’s response as â€Å"very good† and 18% rated it â€Å"good. † * From a Pew Research Center and National Journal Congressional Connection poll: 44% rated BP’s response to the oil spill as â€Å"poor† and 26% rated it â€Å"only fair† while 16% rated BP’s response â€Å"good† and 3% rated it â€Å"excellent. † * From a CNN and Opinion Research Corp. poll: 76% of respondents disapprove of BP’s response to the oil spill and 24% percent approve. These surveys and many like them combined with massive protests and boycotts reshaped the Value of British petroleum as reaction to their stocks showed. In late June in 2010 British petroleum's stock fell to under 28 dollars per share. This was a major drop from there yearly high of over 61 dollars per share in February in 2010. While the consumer trend for the oil industry is still in high demand, British petroleum still loss revenue loss due to poor public perception and also lost revenue from the oil spill and cleanup efforts. According to this story BP has it work cut out for them financially (JACOBSON, 2011)– Almost $50 billion in lost market value. Its rivals' stock is up almost 15 percent, while BP's has been down roughly 25 percent. Shares that were worth $60 a piece on April 20, 2010, are worth $46 today (JACOBSON, 2011). * Sales of $24 billion of the company's assets to be set aside to help pay for claims and other costs. Gheit said roughly 10 percent of BP's production and reserves were sold last year. Another $6 billion worth are expected to be sold this year (JACOBSON, 2011). * $3. 8 billion paid out in claims so far. That's part of a $20 billion fund set aside under pressure from the government last year (JACOBSON, 2011). * Liabilities could swell by tens of billions more. If BP is found to be criminally negligent (several investigations and reports have yet to be completed), the price tag could exceed $50 billion. (Contending their equipment and work played a major role in the cause of the accident, BP is suing Halliburton and TransOcean for billions of dollars as well. (JACOBSON, 2011)) However not all is lost for BP. As you look at the Global 500 (500, 2011) ranking of the top one hundred companies in the world. You will notice that six of the tops 10 are oil companies, including BP at number four. This not only shows that oil is a very profitable industry and in high demand despite calls for alternative energy sources over the past decades. Unless such an alternative energy source can come about and service the billions of people who demand energy: the outlook in the oil industry will continue to be high. Which also means the oil industry will continue to be profitable. When we also add into the factor that developing countries have increased demand for oil and global demand for this resource is predicted to go from 41. million gallons per day to 86. 6 million gallons by the year 2025 (prices, 2010). I do not see consumer trends in oil consumption a problem for BP. This consumption pattern will be an advantage for BP. The bottom line is that BP's industry and products looks like they will be in high demand for the foreseeable future. However even though Bp's product is widely used they are not immune from poor public perception. Since the oil spill Bp has been forced to sell o ff some assets (White, 2011) to pay for loss revenue, and pending lawsuits from the oil spill. BP's problems continue outside of its finances. In early 2000 British petroleum launched a new campaign called â€Å"Beyond Petroleum†. This campaign was targeted top the environmental conscious consumer. Bp wanted to become established as an environmentally friends energy company. While it's hard to see if that campaign was successful regardless, any positive perception or equity acquired from that campaign was lost do the oil spill. Reinventing themselves as an eco friendly company looks to be a difficult task at this time. Moving forward With the environment a major issue in today's world it may be a good idea for BP to invest in research for safer more eco friendly offshore drilling technology. Another way for BP to win over the public interest is to come up with a cleaner alternative source of energy. Would it be ironic that a oil company invents an alternative energy that is safer and cleaner for the environment. The emotional element of BP’s brand invokes bad feelings. With concerns about Global Warming and endangered species many feel BP broke its Brand Promise started by their campaign â€Å"Beyond Petroleum†. For now British Petroleum's strategy should be to allocate resources for research for the above mentioned. And also allocate resources to improving public perception. One example is their commercials with local business owners that were affected by the Gulf oil spill. They are telling the consumers that they are standing by their mistakes. I would also advise BP to communicate to the public what changes they are making from organizational structure to safety precautions. BP may also look into working with eco friendly organizations and organizations like the World Wild Life foundation. Such organizations have voiced strong criticism BP after the oil spill. Working with these organizations would go far in telling the public they have turned over a new leaf. Marketing Recommendations for British Petroleum (prices, 2010) British Petroleum needs to have specific plan for each one of the possible scenarios they might encounter, the company took three months to stop the oil leak, and they are still working on the cleaning process. This shows that BP was not prepared to face such a huge natural disaster; they did not have a contingency plan appropriated. Its is very important than the fist reaction that company takes to resolve the problem is the most suitable one, because that is when the media and public attention are more focus on the problem, and a prompt resolution will lead a faster recovery of the company image. BP should focus on mortification, taking full responsibility for the situation and its consequences. This strategy address public critique in advance and give the company a more significant public relations ground. After admitting and apologizing for the catastrophe, BP must take an action to avoid that is going to happen again. Creating more and secure ways to drill oil, the company needs to improve procedures, safety and competence to regain the lost trust from the public. BP need to regain their good mane, at the moment the company is located in the awareness set in the customer mind that it does mean that its products will be consider if people has a negative image in it. British Petroleum need to build positive feeling towards its corporation, one option is to develop green advertising, the company have invested million on it, but today they should put more emphasis on it. Create better image (social factor) by better approach to compensate those who have been affected. There were many people affected by the catastrophe, people from different communities, they need to focus on the different groups of people they are trying to reach in order transmit the message more efficiently; failing to do will worse the problem. In order for people to place BP into their consideration set they need to believe that the company is reliable and responsible, in addition people must have good feeling towards the brand. They must invest a lot of money in advertising, informing people what is plan to recover and it is being developed. Those ad must run as many time as its needed, to inform people that â€Å"we are taking responsibility† to backfire those ad claiming the contrary â€Å"Show you care†, that is the primary position British Petroleum must assume. The reality is that the Oil Spill in deep horizon water in Mexican Gulf, in April 2010 has made a huge human, ecological and financial lost, and it has ruined the company’s reputation. There is not way the company can go back in time and avoid what happened, but they can look forward and make the best out the situation. If BP can convince the public that they truly believe that its image will be reinstated, people will start bearing positive feeling towards BP. Bibliography 500, G. (2011). And the world's biggest companies are†¦ Retrieved 2011, from Cnn Money 2011: http://money. cnn. com/magazines/fortune/global500/2011/ Bianco, V. D. (n. d. ). Louisiana News . Retrieved from Louisianafoodnews. com. eye, c. (2010, june 4). The BP Brand Fallout – Consumers Weigh In. Retrieved from corporate eye: http://www. corporate-eye. com/blog/2010/06/the-bp-brand-fallout-consumers-weigh-in/ Harrison, M. (n. d. ). Wave Matrix. Retrieved from wavematrix. com. Index, J. C. (2010, hune 24). Survey BPS consumer perception sinks below Goldman Sachs. Retrieved from http://www. mediabistro. om: http://www. mediabistro. com/prnewser/survey-bps-consumer-perception-sinks-below-goldman-sachs_b3951 JACOBSON, M. (2011, april 26). One Year Later, Where Does BP Stand? Retrieved from pbs. org: http://www. pbs. org/newshour/rundown/2011/04/bp—-one-year-later. html prices, O. (2010, July ). Retrieved from oilprices. org: http://www. oilprices. org/ White, G. (2011, feb 22). BP to sell off North Sea asset. Retrieved from the t elegraph: http://www. telegraph. co. uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/8341366/BP-to-sell-off-North-Sea-assets. html

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Sandpiper by Ahdaf Soueif , Setting’s Role in Identity

*†What role does ‘place' play in forming one's identity? How does this affect the narrator in her life? † The narrator's life and her identity is shaped by this foreign land that she has moved to. Coming from a western world, as a woman, into an Arabic country, there are certain cultural perceptions that will ultimately alter her identity. The foreignness felt by the narrator is conveyed throughout the story. â€Å"My husband translated all this for me and said things to her which I have come to understand meant that tomorrow I would get used to their ways. This quote represents her inability to conform to the cultural and social acceptances. â€Å"If I tried to do the shopping the prices trebled. † indicates that even the local merchants tried to take advantage of her ‘foreignness' as she was incapable of altering herself to meet their demands or expectations. Perhaps the most apparent portrayal of the result of the setting on the narrator is the â₠¬Å"fading love† experienced between her and her husband. The flashbacks present within the story, â€Å"My second summer here was the sixth of our love – and the last of our happiness. allude to the vast differences between their relationship at various times. This foreshadowing as well as an imminent doom, relationship wise, allows the reader to sense the regret and deep emotional state experienced by the narrator. The narrator was from Europe and her marriage to an Egyptian man has cross-cultural implications. Even though â€Å"the inferior status of women† was explained to her, she still went through with this marriage. One could presume that the narrator's ethnocentrism was evident in assuming that her marriage would be more like a western one. â€Å"My foreignness, which had been so charming, began to irritate him. indicates that once he had returned home, the narrator's inability to change her to her setting, her ‘place' affected their relationship. This is backed by, â€Å"He was back home, and he needed someone he could be at home with, at home. † indicates that the narrator herself is aware of the implication her inability to conform is having on her relationship. Lucy, is the daughter she gave birth to yet she refers to Lucy as ‘his daughter' indicating that even though they are both her parents; the narrator identifies Lucy as belonging to him since she was born and raised in this foreign land. My treasure, my trap† allows the reader to notice that the narrator, this woman, wants to escape, to leave, but she is held back by the maternal love she has for her daughter. The place or setting is the biggest factor in this short story, it is a reason for the couple's fading love and growing estranged. The setting places the narrator in a foreign land, whose cultural values have a negative impact on her causing her to fade from blissful love to saddening regret and hurt. Her identity is altered to that of a fo reigner as perceived by those around her and this changes her mind set, perceiving herself differently, as a different person.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Human Rights dimensions of International Petroleum Transactions Article

The Human Rights dimensions of International Petroleum Transactions - Article Example t importantly, the other day companies operating in countries with unpleasant governments had to face tough time because of non-governmental organizations that endanger their most inestimable assets, their good reputation1. The ignorance of human rights’ responsibilities by the multinational companies around the globe in general and the multinational companies specifically operating in unattractive areas are vulnerable to the print and electronic media and nongovernmental organizations. If we study the latest Human Rights Report, it is clear that it indicates the positive role of MNCs in reducing the human rights violations to some extent. However, it was felt that more effort needs to be made to satisfy the cited Medias (print and electronic media) and the NGOs2. Now the international companies realized that business and protection of human beings is necessary to create conducive environment to carry on their businesses. The following publications may provide the readers an insight of corporate responsibilities of International Companies towards protection of human rights in their area of operations: a) Corporations and Human Rights, b) Crackdown in the Niger Delta, c) Human Rights Violations In Nigerias Oil Producing Region, d) The Price Of Oil: Corporate Responsibility and Human Rights Violations in Nigerias Oil Producing Communities and e) The Enron Corporation: Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Violations3. The year 1994 is remembered for a longer period in the history of oil and gas in view of the execution of KEN Saro Wiwa and other human rights’ activists by the Nigerian regime. Soon after the said incident, Shell came under immense pressure and scrutiny of international human rights’ groups and the press. Initially the top notch of Shell denied their hands in executing mentioned human rights activists. Later on, it compelled Shell responsible officials to sit with the Human Rights Groups of United Kingdom to revisit their inhuman rights

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Executive Pay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Executive Pay - Essay Example While there is diversity across industries, sizes of organizations and countries, executive pay includes the common features of base pay and bonus based on performance. CEO compensation has become one of the most important issues of concern in the field of corporate governance. With ever increasing economic activity and companies transcending all boundaries, geographic, economic and technological, the person in charge of steering the company has been thrust into focus. Typically, huge compensation packages were a phenomenon of the golden days of dotcom glory. The period of Internet boom may safely be termed the era of exorbitant pay-outs. The Internet made millionaires of people in a matter of days. In the Internet-rush' of the late 1990s, a number of small companies mushroomed redefining the principles of economies of scale and scope. The CEOs (as well as the employees) of dotcoms often burnt the midnight oil trying to float their talents. For their efforts, they were compensated handsomely, when the company took off and reaped rewards. However, even after the burst of the Internet bubble and the decline of the software industry from its top position on the list of the most happening industries, huge pay-outs have remained. A quick recap of the origin of CEOs will give us a better understanding of the topic. When economic systems evolved from sole proprietorships to the company form of business, a need for a distinction between the owner of the resources and their managers arose. In some cases, owners stopped playing an active role in managing the business resources and turned them over instead to paid managers. These paid managers acted as agents of the owners and took up the responsibility for the success or failures of the business. As businesses grew in size and scope, the manager attained the glorified title of a CEO. The compensation system also became more complicated, evolving from a simple salary to benefits like bonus, perks and stock options. As time passed, the compensation packages grew in size until t hey attained such astronomical proportions that people began feeling the need for some control. This leads us to the question of whether CEOs merit the huge compensation they receive or not. In the US, historically, CEO's in "utilities earn significantly lower levels of compensation than their counterparts in other industries, while CEO's in financial services earn higher pay" (Ashenfelter, et al, 1999, p. 5). Yet the relationship between firm size and executive pay is weakening. A comparison of executive pay in 23 countries shows that executives in the US receive a greater proportion of their pay from bonuses and incentives than from base salary. Another reason for high CEO compensation was the fact that a major portion of their compensation package consisted of stock options and stock grants. In some cases, nearly two-thirds of the CEO's pay assumed the form of stock options. Some companies offered options packages to compensate for low salary and risk associated with the company, especially in case of a start-up company. Stock options had emerged as one of the most important factors, which made the CEOs salaries in big companies in the US to swell to almost 458 times the

Government and the Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Government and the Economy - Essay Example This is the foremost time of experiencing such an occurrence in more than four decades. The expenditure of the federal administration has been rising at a decidedly sluggish pace in the three years of the prevailing administration. Falling expenditures of regional and area administrations, which have equally shrunk in spending at an alarming rate, plummets the slow rise. The slow growth of federal spending along with the free-falling expenditure of regional administrations is a strong pointer at the economic and political situation in the country. These signs cannot pass unnoticed because failure to experience rise on government expenditure, more so during the initial period of a new administration, is not only rare but profoundly significant in the political and economic essence. The real GDP of government (both federal and regional) for the primary three months of 2012 is estimated to be 2 per cent less than 2009, when the new administration took the reigns of power. This means tha t the spending of the administration has experienced a fall ever since the forming of government in 2009 implying that certain factors have inhibited the outlay of funds by administrations, both central and local. Such a situation transpired in the US in the course of Richard Nixon’s reign and was attributed to the waning expenditure on the Vietnam conflict. Currently, it is unclear which factors are responsible for the slow growth as well as the falling spending by regimes at the central and local level in the sense that a number of dynamics govern economic growth. Government policies play a prominent role. However, sometimes growth rate can also be attributed to luck of the incumbent regarding the state of the economy when he inherited reigns of power. The current administration took power at the time when the recession was ending. However, the recovery and growth has been remarkably sluggish. The reasons for slow economic growth, which has led to low spending by government under the prevailing regime that ranks lowest in history, have been myriad. The failure to step up government spending emanated from the feeble private sector, which made it difficult for the economy to expand at a high speed (Norris B2). The growth of the private sector is a noteworthy gauge of the circumstances of the economy because it denotes the growth rate of the economy. Changes in spending by the government are because of the expenditure on military disbursement, which has grown dismally in the past few years irrespective of the fall in expenses of Afghanistan as well as Iraq conflicts. On the other hand, nonmilitary outlay has witnessed an upward trend under the prevailing administration. In situations when economy is weak, outlay on investment by central and area governments often fall (through cutbacks) to reflect the state of the economy. Such expenditures include highways and educational institutions like schools and colleges. In essence, falling operating outlays are not new to the US economy and have been part of the country particularly in times of economic difficulty. Therefore, money saving schemes like retrenchment of tutors has not prevailed in the recent past although the number of workers in education has been low. In conclusion, the federal, state, and local governments have been shrinking in the last three years, and this means that the US

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marketing communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing communication - Essay Example In this report, we are going to develop a marketing communication plan for the center in order to improve the business by making the center more attractive and eye-catching for the public. The marketing plan will include such strategies which will play their role in creating awareness among the public about the facilities and entertainment provided by Viejas Outlet Center. Luther (2001) found that analysis of the current situation of any company or firm is necessary before development of a marketing plan. It is because analysis lets us know about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats regarding any specific company for which the plan is to be developed. So in the case of Viejas Outlet Center, we carried out a thorough analysis regarding the current business situation of the outlet in order to know the defficiencies and strengths regarding the outlet. Strengths of the outlet include entertainment spots and various other facilities such as casino, shopping stores, danceclubs, restaurants, and water fountain for the children. These facilities are good enough to attract the customers towards the outlet but it needs a suitable marketing plan in order to creae awareness among the public. The major drawback of Viejas Outlet Center is its marketing strategy. The marketing strategy has a lot of flaws in it due to which the outlet is unable to attract the public. Marketing plan is very old fashioned and is not adjustable with the demands of modern marketing strategies and tactics. Threats to the Viejas Outlet Center include creation of other outlets in the reigon which may not have such faciltities and entertainment spots as the Viejas Outlet Center holds, but the effective marketing strategies of the new outlets may provide them with dominance or egde over Viejas Outlet Center. That is why, Viejas Outlet Center needs to have an effective and innovative

Friday, July 26, 2019

A judgmental international classification of financial reporting Essay

A judgmental international classification of financial reporting Practices - Essay Example Without conceptual framework there have been many issues and problems that have emerged with the passage of time and different people have different opinions on solving the problem (Hines, 1988). Therefore there has been a need for some guiding principles or some kind of structure on the basis of which different decisions can be taken and reporting of financial statements could become reliable and consistent (Zeff, 1972). With regard to this, conceptual framework is helpful because it provides a guideline and a foundation of anything and it can be referred to by people (Nobes, 2006). Conceptual framework issued by FASB The following image gives an overview of the conceptual framework issued by FASB. In an ideal world accounting reports that are developed using the suggested conceptual framework would be more useful than other accounting reports which are prepared without using of conceptual framework. ... Considering its importance, there are several objectives of accounting department and these objectives are described below: Preparing Reliable and Consistent Financial Statements Accounting has a major role to play in any organisation (Amaratunga , & Baldry, 2003) because accountants prepare financial statements and records the financial transactions of the company (McCarthy, 1982). These reports and financial statements reflect the proper financial information which is helpful for the stakeholders of the company including investors, employees, shareholders, suppliers, government agencies, customers and potential customers as well as competitors (Ball, & Brown, 1968). The main objective of accounting is to provide information which is useful for the users of financial statements like investors, creditors, and other stakeholders (Chua, 1986). Therefore it is integral that the information provided by the organisation is useful, accurate, authentic, consistent and reliable. Inaccurate i nformation can mislead the users of the financial statements and it could also distort the decisions taken by the management on the basis of financial statements therefore it is important for the organisation to prepare financial statements that follow the principles accepted by others as well (Hogarth, 1993). Thus, a conceptual framework would be required which the accountant can use as a guideline while preparing financial statements to make the financial information consistent and reliable. Keeping Records of all the transactions in a systematic way The other major objective of accounting is to keep records of all the transactions that occur in day to day routine processes in a systematic way (Abdel-Khalik, & Ajinka, 1983)

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Aviation History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Aviation History - Essay Example Unfortunately, only the New Orleans and Chicago completed the circumnavigation. The four aircrafts official commenced the first flight around the world at Sand Point, Washington, near Seattle, Washington. Upon reaching Prince Rupert Island, Seattle, the lead aircraft flown by SSgt. Alva Harvey and Maj. Fredrick Martin developed mechanical problems making them remain behind for repairs. After repair, the Seattle tried to catch up with the other three; however, it crashed on 30 April in a dense fog near Port Moller, on the Alaska Peninsula. Chicago assumed the lead of the remaining three aircrafts with Lt. Smith and Lt. Arnold as the pilot and mechanic respectively (Head 94). During the circumnavigation, the Chicago had to land in a lagoon in the French Indochina because a broken connecting rod. The first and the fastest engine change ever in Indochina was effected in the city of Hue. On July 14, the flight arrived in Paris. From Paris, they moved to London to the north of Britain to prepare for the crossing of the Atlantic Ocean. While crossing the Atlantic Ocean on 3 August 1924, the Boston was forced down, capsized and sank. The Chicago and New Orleans continued crossing the Atlantic Ocean through Canada, Greenland, and Iceland. Boston II, the original prototype, joined with the Boston’s crew in Pictou, Nova Scotia, and the three made way to Washington DC to a heroic welcome (Head 94). The three Douglas Cruisers made a multi-city tour and finally landed in Seattle on September 28, 1924. In conclusion, it is apparent that the U.S Army Air Service increased their success chances by using four Douglas World Cruisers: Boston, New Orleans, Seattle, and Chicago. In addition, they pre-positioned spare parts, caches of fuel, and other equipment along the route. The U.S Army Air Service’s round the world flight has never been duplicated by any nation flying with a single-engine, open-cockpit

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Analysis of Debates Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis of Debates - Research Paper Example Society never ceases to look down upon any person taking these plunges or walking those extra miles. These people are always watched from bay with half-squinted eyes. Nevertheless, far beyond confronting the frowning brows of the people gazing around, it is very important to listen to the call of one’s heart (Streitmatter 1-23). Since time immemorial, it has been an established fact that the union of opposite sexes is very important for the progression of any particular race. However, human mind has unfathomable depth and dark channels and abbeys where light of any logic or comprehension is very difficult to reach. A man might feel a physical affinity with a man, and a woman can also have the same kind of affection for another woman against the general convention prevalent in the society. If we examine the scriptures, literature and folklore thoroughly, it can be identified that mankind’s affinity towards the same sex has evolved steadily but in a very latent way. With the progress of civilization and so much of awareness of the importance of civil rights and human psychology, the time has come when people have chosen to discuss the issue at an open and broad forum where the marriages between the same-sex can be advocated and discussed without any kind of suppression. Thesis Statement This essay intends to analyze the thought that gay marriages should be accepted as a commonplace affair of the society. At the same time, the essay throws light on the myriad pros and cons associated with the legitimate ways of attaining the unification of two people belonging to the same sex. Gay Marriages and Its Sanctity Same-sex marriages are often coined in the local terminology as ‘gay marriages’. Etymologically, it is a legitimate union between two persons of the same biological sex. The supporters or the promoters of the gay marriages tend to refer to the same-sex marriages as marriage equality or equal marriage. Turning the pages of the history related to the legitimation of the same-sex marriages, we can observe that it is only very recent, i.e. during the first decade of the twenty-first century, that same-sex marriages were recognized, enacted and protected from the various legal cells across the world. The other noteworthy fact regarding the sanctification of the same-sex marriages took place in the very recent times, i.e. in the year 2013 itself. During the current calendar year, eleven countries across the globe and a few sub-national jurisdictions have allowed the legitimate union between couples of the same sex (Pratt). The complex question which is raised in the most recent times in different societies across the globe is that why there is a complete absence of legal sanctity and universal right pertaining to the gay marriages uniformly across the globe. The Western world is still a step ahead in this regard, and if focus is shifted towards the East and the oriental societies, the condition is pathetic, to say the least. In the current scenario, there are places where even the thought of marrying a person of the same gender can mercilessly take away one’s life. Clergy and church are also not behind any regulatory and theological bodies related to the condemnation of marriage of equality (Mulholland). For example, if a thorough light is shed on the article by Chrysovalantis P. Kefalas, it can be arguably asserted that marriage of equal

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Why Were Women In Ireland Excluded From The Public Exercise Of Power Essay

Why Were Women In Ireland Excluded From The Public Exercise Of Power Over Men - Essay Example One reason is that Irish historiography has been little affected with recent methodological developments in intellectual history. During the last two decades, however, there has been a move away from regarding political texts as embodiments of eternal truths to a more contextual approach: one in which political theory is regarded not as the rarefied speculation of isolated individuals, but as a social activity conducted by numerous people using a variety of linguistic conventions. In Ireland political though is to be found in myth, law, literature, theology, folk fore, in ballads, newspapers, parliamentary debates, pamphlets and sermons, as well as in the conventional texts. Furthermore, Irelands’ political thinkers have displayed great heterogeneity, encompassing, for example, seventeenth- century bishops and poets; professors and conspirators in eighteenth century; improving land lords, urban artisans, journalists in the last century and politicians and literati in this. Yet Irish historiography has largely remained unaware of the rich pickings offered by a contextual approach to political ideas. Instead, emphasis is still placed upon men or women of action. Throughout the troubled history of Ireland, women have been no less concerned than men when it came to coping with the difficulties and confused loyalties of Ireland. The role they played, however, have been misconceived and underestimated in past histories of the island.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Test Review Chapters 1-3 Essay Example for Free

Test Review Chapters 1-3 Essay Day 1 Review (Monday) * Website review: themes and learning objectives from Chapter 1 * * includes review Multiple choice and essay questions Topics to review: * Summarize the changes in European society that led to the era of exploration between 1400 and 1700. (pg. 9-12, 23-28) * Describe the Spanish Empire in the New World during the 1500s. Include political, military, economic, social, and cultural considerations. (pg. 11-20) * Discuss the economic and religious motivations that led to the establishment of English colonies in North America. (pg. 23-27) * Explain the French process of colonization and interaction with the natives. (pg. 27) Day 2 Review (Tuesday) * Website review: major themes and learning objectives from Chapter 2 * * Includes review Multiple choice and essay questions Topics to Review: * Compare and contrast the development of Virginia with that of New England. Consider social, economic, political, and religious differences (Page: 34–49) * Explain the underlying causes and the unfortunate consequences of Bacon’s Rebellion. (pg. 39-40) * Contrast the early years of Pennsylvania with the early years of Georgia. (Page: 52–54, 58–59) * Compare and contrast the religious, economic, and social cultures of the Puritans and Quakers. (Page: 40–49, 52–54) Day 3 Review (Wednesday) * Website review: major themes and learning objectives from Chapter 3 * * includes review multiple choice and essay questions Topics to Review: * Compare and contrast the institutions of white indentured servitude and African slavery in early colonial America. (Page: 66–67, 71–75) * Compare and contrast the lives of colonial women in the Chesapeake with those in New England. (Page: 69–71) * Compare and contrast the economies of the southern colonies with those of the northern colonies in the 1600s and 1700s. (Page: 77–89) * Compare and contrast the society found on a southern plantation of the late 1600s with that of a Puritan community of the same period. (Page: 83–87) * Explain how religion developed in the New England colonies during the 1600s and early 1700s. (Page: 89–91) * Compare the growth of education and organized religious thought in eighteenth-century colonial America. (Page: 89–94) Test Review Chapters 1-3 Day 1 Review (Monday) * Website review: themes and learning objectives from Chapter 1 * * includes review Multiple choice and essay questions Topics to review: * Summarize the changes in European society that led to the era of exploration between 1400 and 1700. (pg. 9-12, 23-28) * Describe the Spanish Empire in the New World during the 1500s. Include political, military, economic, social, and cultural considerations. (pg. 11-20) * Discuss the economic and religious motivations that led to the establishment of English colonies in North America. (pg. 23-27) * Explain the French process of colonization and interaction with the natives. (pg. 27) Day 2 Review (Tuesday) * Website review: major themes and learning objectives from Chapter 2 * * Includes review Multiple choice and essay questions Topics to Review: * Compare and contrast the development of Virginia with that of New England. Consider social, economic, political, and religious differences (Page: 34–49) * Explain the underlying causes and the unfortunate consequences of Bacon’s Rebellion. (pg. 39-40) * Contrast the early years of Pennsylvania with the early years of Georgia. (Page: 52–54, 58–59) * Compare and contrast the religious, economic, and social cultures of the Puritans and Quakers. (Page: 40–49, 52–54) Day 3 Review (Wednesday) * Website review: major themes and learning objectives from Chapter 3 * * includes review multiple choice and essay questions Topics to Review: * Compare and contrast the institutions of white indentured servitude and African slavery in early colonial America. (Page: 66–67, 71–75) * Compare and contrast the lives of colonial women in the Chesapeake with those in New England. (Page: 69–71) * Compare and contrast the economies of the southern colonies with those of the northern colonies in the 1600s and 1700s. (Page: 77–89) * Compare and contrast the society found on a southern plantation of the late 1600s with that of a Puritan community of the same period. (Page: 83–87) * Explain how religion developed in the New England colonies during the 1600s and early 1700s. (Page: 89–91) * Compare the growth of education and organized religious thought in eighteenth-century colonial America. (Page: 89–94)

The Bob Knowlton Case Study Essay Example for Free

The Bob Knowlton Case Study Essay Summary Bob Knowlton is the head of the Photon Lab when a new member, Simon Fester, was introduced to his lab. He begins to feel inferior to his new member and feels that he cannot voice his concerns to his superior, Dr. Jerold. After a period of events and insecurities, he finds a better position with more salary and takes the job immediately. Dr, Jerrold and Fester were shocked by Knowlton’s decision. The lab took a large hit as Fester went on to work on another project as planned. No one knew that Knowlton wanted to leave as he did so very suddenly citing fictional personal problems. Analyze the roles of those involved The main characters in the Bob Knowlton case were: Bob Knowlton the team leader of Photon Lab collaborative team leader hard working man confidence easily wavered by insecurities does not voice out problems Dr. Jerrold the supervisor of Bob Knowlton and his team has very high expectations of those working under her not observant no instinctual perception Simon Fester a new comer to the company and Photon Lab confident aggressive competitive opportunist highly intelligent non paticipative Discuss the reasons as to why what happened happened. The bringing in the newcomer: Bob Knowlton was threatened by the newcomer that was not properly introduced to him Fester just showed up without warning and began looking into things Dr. Jerold did not introduce Fester did not even for mention or hint at Knowlton for possibly having someone new join his team Simon Fester lacked tact and the human touch was too confident and arrogant to accept the way people do things and embrace it The communication breakdown: Bob Knowlton did not voice his queries or insecurities simply assumed that Fester was there to replace him did not consider speaking to his supervisor regarding his problem and started looking for another job instead Dr. Jerold did not indicate that Festers place in Knowltons team was temporary did not give earlier warning regarding Festers transfer to another project did not make any intentions of caring for Knowltons well being Simon Fester too much of an opportunist to work in a team with others did not heed the advice of whom was rightfully his team leader remained individualistic and closed off to the team until he left to work for another project Consider the personalities involved, especially those of Knowlton and Fester, and the organizational characteristics. Bob Knowlton was more of an introvert. He did not share his feelings,opinions and conflicts with his team mates, Fester or Jerold. He lacked also lacked of strong of communication skills. He did not know how to voice his concerns to Jerold or properly inform an guide Fester on his responsibilities in the team, which lead to Fester doing his own thing most of the time, without consulting with others. Simon Fester on the other hand was someone very self involved and confident. He had no qualms speaking openly of his ideas and what he wanted to do. Fester was also aggressive in his approach. He did not care for group work and was more individualistic, even to the point of making others feel inferior. Organizational characteristic: Work Group Knowlton had regular morning meetings with his members as a way to keep up to date of what was going on in the project, and discuss problems faced. However, Fester took over some of these meetings plastering himself as the team leader, and spear heading discussions, undermining Knowltons authority and the intelligence of the team at many an occasion. Open System Jerrold and Knowlton shared a mostly open relationship, Knowlton even mentioned that he enjoyed Jerold coming over to talk to him at the end of  the day. However, Knowlton did not share his problems with his superior when he had the chance of voicing them; mainly when he felt threatened by Fester’s place in the team. Imagine yourself in the position of Dr. Jerrold at the end of the case, reflecting back over the events. Is there anything you could have done, on the basis of what you knew or could have known at the time, that would have led to a more favorable outcome? State your reasoning. Dr.Jerrold could have utilized a better interpersonal communication skill. Had she made clear that she was going to hire Simon Fester and taken into consideration Bob Knowltons personality, explaining her intentions to train him to lead another project, things might have worked out very differently. Knowlton could have been less insecure regarding his position and would probably been more willing to overlook Festers lone ranger tendencies. Had Dr. Jerrold utilized interpersonal communication with Simon Fester as well, ensuring that Fester should try to work under the conditions laid out by his team leader, Fester might have better understood where he stood within the team and made more of an effort to be a team player as intelligent or talented as he may be. Dr. Jerrold could have also been more involved with the meetings, and taken an initiative to ensure that all employees were happy and satisfied.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ways Of Knowing More Likely To Lead Truth Philosophy Essay

Ways Of Knowing More Likely To Lead Truth Philosophy Essay Truth is a term that is multifaceted, and has been a popular topic of discussion by scholars and philosophers for thousands of years. Yet some fundamental basics for something to considered true have arisen after all the discussions and theories: it must be a fact, is justified in a way that that it corresponds to a fact that exists in the world, matches with ones overall sets of belief and/or it is useful and works in practice. A justified true belief is what is knowledge is composed of. Sense perception, reason, language and emotions are the four Ways of Knowing, each one a powerful tool that enables us to reach closer the truth. Sense perception is the active selective and interpretative process of recording or becoming conscious of the external world; reasoning is using logical, critical thinking to establish knowledge; emotion is the experience of a bodily reaction to an event where we are aware and involved; lastly, language is a tool for communication and a system of persuasio n and implication through the use of conventionalized signs, sound gestures or marks having understood meaning. However these four ways of approaching the truth vary in that one may help yield more precise answers and is more reliable than others, depending on the their strengths and weaknesses. I believe that sense perception and reason creates a dominant combination, carrying a high degree of certainty, in discovering global truths, compared to emotion and language, which are also vital but have greater limitations that provide challenges in finding the truth. Buddha once said, Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by manyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ But after observation and analysis, when you find anything that agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. This quote claims that perception, which is then supported by reason, is the ways most likely to lead to the truth, and I definitely agree. We experience the world and obtain direct, immediate, constant data through our senses: sight, hear, smell, touch, taste, movement, balance and huger/thirst etc. The brain then processes these stimuli to create meaning to them and organize these sense data into schemas in our brain, reassembling reality to become organized, meaningful patterns, so that most of the time our world will be rational, steady and predictable. Hence we rely heavily on sense perception as our primary source of data collection of our surroundings. In biology, for example, I did a lab testing the effects of caffeine and adrenaline on the heart rate of transparent water fleas, called Daphnia. After exposing a daphnia in an adrenalin or caffeine solution, I relied solely on my sight to observe the thumping action of their heart beat and then count it. The heart beat dramatically increased from a 25 beats per second in controlled water fleas to around 44 in adrenaline and caffeine solution. By direct observation, my brain then gives meaning to this data input; resulting in me, knowing the immediate effects of what consuming these chemicals does to a Daphnias heart. However sensory perception has a handful of limitations, the major ones including our biological and physiological limitation such a incapability of seeing wavelengths outside the visible light spectrum; our cognitive apparatus and processes cant distinguish perception from illusion; who we are as a knower, our built-in assumptions and prejudices alters the expectations and interpretations of situations- causing bia s, subjective views; sensory input is relative, hence data from is s not always valid alone; sensory input is also discontinuous and outdated. Conversely the invention of digital video, computer technology and modern technology helps fix these problems or even eliminate it all altogether. For instance, when watching the figure skating world championships on TV, both Mao Asada and Kim-Yuna skated perfectly, executing all their elements. My individuality- the fact that I favor and adore Maos skating style over Yunas, and my pity towards Mao for always winning silver- contributed to my perception of the competition as being unfair when Yuna won gold. But when clips of the performances were previewed side by side, it illustrates how Mao did not fully finish her rotations on her triple jumps and thus was deducted points- ultimately justifying that Kim Yuna did deserve gold and performed a cleaner program than Mao. This example proves technology can overcome major limitations such as filt ers and seeing what we want opposed to the reality, by justifying what we see with more scrutiny through technology since technology can record the world around us, provide instant replay and allow unbiased evaluation. On the other hand reason, is most advantageous due to its outcome of valid and coherent information- information with such a high degree of certainty that no other ways of knowing can reach. Reason assesses arguments, and provides support for claims and statements established through all the different experiments, studies etc. It is especially vital for areas with an empirical basis like science, history and math; these areas have been so developed and consist of such reliable, coherent and corresponding theories due to reason. Judgments and errors plague the certainty of truth for other ways of knowing; such as sense perception can be distorted; language is too vague and ambiguous leading to multiple interpretations, and emotion is the least reason-based due to its unpredictable, instinctive nature. Logic controls the outcome of rigid conclusions with evidence. Yet reason has its flaws as well such as the range of informal fallacies and when premises that construct the arguments mig ht be valid the truthfulness is still questionable, hence other ways of knowing is required to justify it such as the case of euthanasia where the argument Taking a life is morally wrong, euthanasia is the act of taking away a life, hence euthanasia is wrong. Is perfectly valid but the truthfulness must be enhanced through the use scientific observations like using technology to see if the persons brain is responding to stimuli. The use of sense perception and reason together complements each other to provide even sturdier, valid, reasoned-based knowledge with sufficient verification. The fact that global warming is occurring is derived from both reason and perception. According to NASA 80% of ice field have been lost in the last century as see through satellite pictures, hence we can use deductive reasoning to conclude that if Drastic climate change and melting ice caps indicate global warming, NASA claims that 80% of ice field have melted , and United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that 11 of the past 12 years are among the dozen warmest since 1850, hence global warming is occurring Emotions and Language has principal problems that override its benefits, and hence is less likely to lead to the truth. Although language is central in communication; performing many functions such as conveying emotions (expressive), express creativity, used for social and representational purposes, it is deceptive and treacherous due to its vagueness and ambiguity.( Not so much for math and science, since language is controlled, neutral and rigid in these areas but in the other AOKs. Take Stalin for example, he used language as propaganda to establish a personal dictatorship, attack enemies and disguise the reign of terror and purges as well. Putting up slogans like Peasants can live like human beings filled with emotionally-arousing words, appealing connotations and glittering generalities manipulated the peasants into believing Stalin will bring back the glory days in Russia just like before World War I. Similarly emotion reinforces problems such as blurring reason, bias our perce ptions and color our language; humans are helpless in controlling emotions- it is irrational and occurs at fluctuating, urgent impulses. For example when my friend and I watched Valentines Day, she had just broken up with her boyfriend so was feeling distressed and gloomy, whereas I was joyous and excited to see Ashton Kutcher in it. By the end of the movie, her emotions has shaped a negative perception of the movie, thinking it was cheesy and gay, and divert from rational thinking to blame me for wasting her time watching it. On the contrary sometimes our reasoning is based on emotion; for example during a mandarin test, I had a cheat sheet ready in my pocket, but I decided not to cheat because of the guilt and fear I will feel. Suggesting that emotion mustnt be totally ignored since without emotion, the world will be dull, cause the uniformity of values and everything will pass unnoticed. So emotions can help humans acquire knowledge and enhance the search for knowledge, but the voice of reason is more rational. All the areas of knowledge are interconnected, one fails to work alone, and one effects the other, whether it is to enhance or limit the quest for truth. The advantageous combination of sense perception and reasoning creating highly valid, justified truths, with solvable limitations, whereas others, like emotions and language are overshadowed by its limitations. Citations: Buddha Buddhism Reality. On Truth and Reality. Web. Apr. 2010. . Mount Kilimanjaro Vanishing Icecaps. Scientific Visualizing Studio. 02 June 2002. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. . Global Warming Fast Facts. Daily Nature and Science News and Headlines | National Geographic News. Web. 03 May 2010. . Alchin, Nicholas. The Theory of Knowledge. Heinemann, blue book Powerpoints up on Moodle

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Comparison of Hawthornes Scarlet Letter and the Garden of Eden Essay

Parallels Between The Scarlet Letter and the Garden of Eden      Ã‚  Ã‚   In Hawthorne's intricately woven tale The Scarlet Letter, his characters create a parallel theme with the Biblical story of Original Sin. By examining the characters and their interactions and insights about each other, one can examine the symbolic parallels with the Garden of Eden.    One aspect of the Garden of Eden theme is portrayed by the connection of Hester and Dimmesdale. Hester's story parallels Eve, the original mother of mankind, a woman exiled from the New Garden of Eden due to an unforgivable sin. She is doomed forever to walk outside the garden, no longer able to partake of the fruits of paradise, barred from reentry by seeming "divine intervention." Hester is the temptress of Dimmesdale, offering him the fruit of good and evil which, heretofore, removes all naivete and forces him to walk, tortured, through the world with the knowledge of right, wrong, and the magnitude of his sin seeming to accost him at each new turn of the dim path down which he walks.    Dimmesdale is a fallen hero, one of God's chosen, who has fallen from grace in the moment of his original sin. He, also, is excluded form society because once his eyes are opened with the knowledge of good and evil, he cannot remain a true member of the blind, child-like Puritan society. Instead of leading the life of brilliance one would expect to arise from Dimmesdale's profound faith, he is ever tortured by his two-faced appearance. He imagines, "A herd of diabolic shapes grinned and mocked at the pale minister, and beckoned him away with them" (Hawthorne 141). Thus, Dimmesdale provides his own character insight as he examines his divided character and his appearance. He re... 168). Thus, Chillingworth handsomely finishes the parallel of Original Sin, ensconcing himself in darkness and malevolent desires.    By examining thematic links to the story of the downfall of man, one can trace a new level of character insight. One examines the role of Adam, Eve, and the Devil in the New Garden of Eden, following their sin and exile closely in the characters of Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth.    Works Cited and Consulted: Canby, Henry S. "A Skeptic Incompatible with His Time and His Past." Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne (pp. 55- 63). San Diego: Greenhaven. 1996. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. New York: St. Martins, 1991. Scharnhorst, Gary. The Critical Response to Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. New York: Greenwood, 1992. The Holy Bible. KJV. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville. 1984. A Comparison of Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter and the Garden of Eden Essay Parallels Between The Scarlet Letter and the Garden of Eden      Ã‚  Ã‚   In Hawthorne's intricately woven tale The Scarlet Letter, his characters create a parallel theme with the Biblical story of Original Sin. By examining the characters and their interactions and insights about each other, one can examine the symbolic parallels with the Garden of Eden.    One aspect of the Garden of Eden theme is portrayed by the connection of Hester and Dimmesdale. Hester's story parallels Eve, the original mother of mankind, a woman exiled from the New Garden of Eden due to an unforgivable sin. She is doomed forever to walk outside the garden, no longer able to partake of the fruits of paradise, barred from reentry by seeming "divine intervention." Hester is the temptress of Dimmesdale, offering him the fruit of good and evil which, heretofore, removes all naivete and forces him to walk, tortured, through the world with the knowledge of right, wrong, and the magnitude of his sin seeming to accost him at each new turn of the dim path down which he walks.    Dimmesdale is a fallen hero, one of God's chosen, who has fallen from grace in the moment of his original sin. He, also, is excluded form society because once his eyes are opened with the knowledge of good and evil, he cannot remain a true member of the blind, child-like Puritan society. Instead of leading the life of brilliance one would expect to arise from Dimmesdale's profound faith, he is ever tortured by his two-faced appearance. He imagines, "A herd of diabolic shapes grinned and mocked at the pale minister, and beckoned him away with them" (Hawthorne 141). Thus, Dimmesdale provides his own character insight as he examines his divided character and his appearance. He re... 168). Thus, Chillingworth handsomely finishes the parallel of Original Sin, ensconcing himself in darkness and malevolent desires.    By examining thematic links to the story of the downfall of man, one can trace a new level of character insight. One examines the role of Adam, Eve, and the Devil in the New Garden of Eden, following their sin and exile closely in the characters of Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth.    Works Cited and Consulted: Canby, Henry S. "A Skeptic Incompatible with His Time and His Past." Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne (pp. 55- 63). San Diego: Greenhaven. 1996. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. New York: St. Martins, 1991. Scharnhorst, Gary. The Critical Response to Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. New York: Greenwood, 1992. The Holy Bible. KJV. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville. 1984.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Hamlet :: essays research papers

Soliloquies make us understand the true feelings that someone is feeling. It unlocks the secret of the mind. What are soliloquies? â€Å" A literary or dramatic form of discourse in which a character talks to himself or reveals his thoughts in the form of a monologue without addressing a listener†. Specific soliloquies illustrate what really goes on in Hamlet’s mind, and also other characters in the play. Hamlet is a very complicating character, and the only way we can actually understand him is through his soliloquies. â€Å"O, that this too solid flesh would melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (page 31), in this soliloquy, its like he’s saying that he wants to melt inside earth like water into the ground. Hamlet expresses here his feelings towards his mother marrying his uncle, two months after the death of his father. â€Å"How weary stale, flat and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of the world â€Å"(page 31). This quote shows the attitude Hamlet uses towards life, he is saying that the world is stale, it has no taste left. Hamlet is showing his pessimistic side in him in this soliloquy. When the ghost of Hamlet’s father reveals to Hamlet who killed him, Hamlet becomes more complicating, he becomes furious. â€Å"†¦That one may smile and be a villain atleast I’m sure it may be so in Denmark† (page 69) in this soliloquy Hamlet shows his feelings towards Claudius, that Claudius is smiling to show that he is nice when he isn’t. In this soliloquy we also understand more about Hamlets character that he tends to be sarcastic and a bit hysterical. Another soliloquy that shows us Hamlets feelings is the one after Hamlet finds out that Rosencrants and Guildenstern were trying to spy on him for Claudius. â€Å"What a rogue and peasant slave I am†¦am i a coward?†¦but i am a pigeon livered and lack gall† (page 125) Hamlet shows here his anger that he has to himself for not taking yet revenge against his father’s killer. He’s basically saying in this quote that he has no courage. Therefore this soliloquy reveals to the readers that deep inside Hamlet isn’t courageous. â€Å" Why what an ass am I.. the son of the dear murdered prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell, must like a whore unpack my heart with words. At the end of this soliloquy, Hamlet reveals his plan to reenact the killing of his father to see Claudius’s reaction.

Dawsons Creek Value :: essays research papers

A seminal one-hour drama series, â€Å"Dawson’s Creek† chronicles with wry humor the undeniably intense period of awakening known as the teenage years. A startlingly fresh and realistic approach to adolescence, bringing an edgy, keen perception to the turmoil of that time in life, â€Å"Dawson’s Creek† in its first two seasons ranked as one of the highest-rated shows among female teen viewers. Set in a picture-postcard Boston suburb, just off of the Atlantic Ocean, this coming-of-age series explores the blooming self-awareness and growing pains that go hand-in-hand with the triumphs of growing up. Wisely intelligent and yet naively open, four teens are at the heart of this drama as they unknowingly embark on the road less traveled, going against the norm in the paths they choose. Together in this passage from adolescence to young adulthood, the series stars James Van Der Beek (â€Å"Varsity Blues†), Katie Holmes (â€Å"GO!,† â€Å"Disturbing Behavior,† â€Å"Teaching Mrs. Tingle†), Joshua Jackson (â€Å"The Skulls,† â€Å"Urban Legend†) and Michelle Williams (â€Å"Dick,† â€Å"Halloween: H20†). John Wesley Shipp (â€Å"Sisters†), Mary-Margaret Humes (â€Å"History of the World, Part I†), Nina Repeta (â€Å"Radioland Murders†), Mary Beth Peil (â€Å"The King and I† on Broadway), Meredith Monroe (â€Å"Dangerous Minds† the series) and Kerr Smith (â€Å"Flight 180†) also star. Oblivious to how well he is growing into his good looks, Dawson Leery (Van Der Beek) is a teenaged Steven Spielberg fanatic who is charmingly obsessive and passionate about his love of movies. As he returns to Capeside for his junior year of high school after spending the entire summer in Philadelphia with his mom (Humes), Dawson must face the rift with his longtime best friend. Joey Potter (Holmes), the tomboy and emerging beauty who lives down the creek with her sister Bessie (Repeta), is still reeling from her break-up with Dawson and what she perceives as his ultimate betrayal in turning in her father for dealing drugs. While Dawson tries to embrace a newfound devil-may-care lease on life, the ever-sarcastic Pacey Witter (Jackson) has been grounded somewhat by his tumultuous relationship last year with Rhode Island transplant Andie McPhee (Monroe). Next door to Dawson, Jen Lindley (Williams) has moved back home with her Grams (Peil), along with Andie’s brother Jack (Smith). On the home front, Dawson’s dad (Shipp) starts a new position as Capeside High School’s new varsity football coach. Together, these friends learn that growing up is never as easy as it seems in the movies. Blindly testing the waters towards young adulthood, the astute teens shed their childlike innocence and endure the compromise of morality that accompanies so-called maturity.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Character Study Of William Shakespeares Hamlet English Literature Essay

When talking to Polonius ( Excerpt 1 ) , Ophelia about becomes dense. Although she expresses herself, she does so in an highly laden manner. When asked about Hamlets stamps, Ophelia responds by stating that she doesnt know what to believe. This is an unfastened invitation to Polonius to determine her sentiments in any manner possible. Proof of this is in Polonius response: Marry, I ‘ll learn you: believe yourself a babe By stating this, Polonius wants to pull strings Ophelia. A babe is frequently portrayed as guiltless, un-knowing, fleeceable, and easy influenced. Babies besides absorb about anything they are shown or told, and reiterate these things about precisely the manner they were presented. This is precisely how Ophelia is ; she is dumbed down in her relationship with her male parent. She becomes a topic of his, a figure to make his command. This is non the merely relationship where Ophelia is pushed around. Ophelias relationship with Claudius is even worse than her relationship with Polonius. Although Polonius uses Ophelia for aid in his Acts of the Apostless of espionage, Claudius uses Ophelia in even more evil commands, such as messing with Hamlets bosom. In Excerpt 2, Ophelia is in the state of affairs where she must deny Hamlet to see his response. This thought was largely formulated by the King to happen the beginning of Hamlets evident insanity. The male monarch, in an attempt to convey more stableness to his life, wants Hamlet to go stable as good. Because of this, he is willing to give the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia to heighten his ain state of affairs. Claudius asks Ophelia to return Hamlets letters. Ophelia has no pick by to follow and as a consequence destroys her relationship with Hamlet. The Queens relationship with Ophelia is similar to the Kings relationship with Ophelia. The Queen is in a really commanding relationship ( as seen in Excerpt 2 ) ( Madam I wish it may ) with Ophelia. But, it is for a different ground. The King controls Ophelia as a device to break his ain state of affairs. The Queen utilizations Ophelia to bring out the jobs with Hamlet ( out of echt attention for Hamlet ) . But, the Queen is highly nescient and fails to recognize that her actions are really aching Hamlet more. The most interesting and most cryptic relationship is the connexion between Hamlet and Ophelia. Near the beginning of the drama, Ophelia references to Polonius an act of Hamlets that can be interpreted as confidant ( Just predating Excerpt 1 ) . Hamlet seemingly writes infinite letters to Ophelia during this clip, and it isnt until Ophelia ( non by pick ) returns Hamlets letters that their relationship alterations. Ophelia goes from being in love with Hamlet to feel foring him ( O, what a baronial head is here o'erthrown! ( III.i, 163 ) ) . On the other side, Hamlet is amused by the full experience. He to the full realizes what is traveling on with Ophelia, Claudius, and Polonius and he finds it entertaining. From that point on in the book, Hamlet uses Ophelia as some kind of amusement. BUT, deep down, it is evident that Hamlet is still really much in love with Ophelia. Ophelia has different types of relationships with different characters. The King uses Ophelia for his ain personal addition. Polonius uses Ophelia for aid in his Acts of the Apostless of espionage. The Queen utilizations Ophelia to happen out more about Hamlets issues. And Hamlet uses Ophelia for amusement. But, throughout the book Hamlet remains in love with Ophelia. All of these utilizations for Ophelia make her the biggest tool of Denmark. The motive of moving: Ophelias function Throughout the drama, Ophelia is forced into state of affairss of moving to carry through the command of others. The most prevailing of these state of affairss is where she must return Hamlets letters, a statement that she doesnt want/love him. This function of moving is meant to carry through Claudius, Polonius and the Queens purposes, which fit two other motives in the drama: misrepresentation and espionage. Ophelias moving was merely a portion of the larger programs of misrepresentation and espionage. Although Ophelia had literally no influence in the planning of the misrepresentation and espionage, she helped to transport it out, and is hence merely every bit guilty as the other plotters. Flowers: Ophelias Connection to Flowers OPHELIA There ‘s rosemary, that ‘s for recollection ; pray, love, retrieve: and there is Viola tricolor hortensiss. that ‘s for ideas. Laertess A papers in lunacy, ideas and recollection fitted. OPHELIA There ‘s fennel for you, and aquilegias: there ‘s herb of grace for you ; and here ‘s some for me: we may name it herb-grace O ‘ Lord's daies: O you must have on your herb of grace with a difference. There ‘s a daisy: I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my male parent died: they say he made a good terminal, — ( Sings ) For bonnie sweet Robin is all my joy. ( IV.v, 199-210 ) Ophelia chooses her flowers carefully. In making so she represents each of the characters in their ain manner, uncovering even more who they truly are. Rosemary/Pansies – Laertes: Remembrance of Polonius, maintain the memory of their male parent alive. Fennel Claudius: Obsequiousness of Ophelia, reflects their relationship. Columbine Claudius: Infidelity, non faithful in love for household and others. Rue Queen/Herself: Grief, mourning Daisy Queen: Dishonesty, fraudulence ( Queens headlong matrimony ) Violets Hamlet: Fidelity and truthfulness, Hamlet through his ain prevarications has helped destruct their relationship. This leads me to believe that possibly Ophelia isnt truly insane, possibly shes merely improbably angry and is blinded by her choler. She must hold put an atrocious sum of idea into these flowers, more than any insane individual can take the clip to make. I believe that she merely reached a breakage point ; she no longer wants to be used. The Tool of Denmark has broken. Note: Flower Meanings from hypertext transfer protocol: // and hypertext transfer protocol: //

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Efficiency of the Video Camera

We usually expenditure the tv camera in clubho call to save the meaning(a) moment. Before development the impression camera, the write record had been utilise as a documentary film tool. You couldnt completely observe the important social level offt and only predicted through the sentences. tv set recording ar more(prenominal)(prenominal) undefiled and convincing than a create verbally record. The depiction camera fork overs some advantages in the coetaneous sustenance. First of all, the image recording is a more important means of documentary tool in the modern feeling. For deterrent example, we protected the important takes much(prenominal) as the turgid match and the historical ceremony.We had the time capsulise in the Jangchung-dong, Seoul at the outlaw of this millennium. Our The video camera provides such an exact and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of credentials than pen records. consort to th e speaker system, the video recording is a more important means of document beldam contemporary life than a written record beca go for video recordings are more stainless and convincing. Although I agree that a video provides a more objective lens of the eye and accurate record of an details spatial aspects, on that point is far more to document ha life than what we see and hear. therefore the speaker overstates the comparative significance of video as a documentary tool. For the purpose of documenting temporal, spatial events and experiences, I agree that a video record is usually more accurate and more convincing than a written record. It is impossible for anyone, no matter how needlelike an observer and skilled a journalist, to recount ha complete and objective dot such events as the winning touchdown at the Super Bowl, a Ballanchine ballet, the Tournament of Roses Parade, or the scene at the intersection of Florence and Normandy streets during the 1992 Los Angeles rio ts. in time these are important events in contemporary life the sort of events we might grade ha a time space capsule for the purpose of capturing our life and times at the turn of this millennium. The growing documentary determination of video is not limited to germinal events like those described above. Video command cameras are objective witnesses with perfect memories. Thus they can play a snappy evidentiary role in judicial proceedingssuch as those involving robbery, medicine trafficking, police misconduct, motor vehicle violations, and even malpractice in a hospital run room.Indeed, whenever moving images are central to an event the video camera is superior to the written word. A written description of a hurricane, tornado, or volcanic eruption cannot commence its immediate power and awesome genius like a video record. A diary entry cannot replay that union reception, dance recital, or surprise natal day party as accurately or objectively as a video record. And a re al estate cusp cannot inform about the lighting, spaciousness, or familiar ambiance of a featured stead nearly as effectively as a video.Nonetheless, for certain other purposes written records are advantageous to and more allot than video records. For example, certain legal matters are best left to written livelihood video is of no practical use ha documenting the terms of a Byzantine contractual agreement, an incorporation, or the establishment of a trust. And video is of little use when it comes to documenting a persons subjective state of mind, impressions, or reflections of an event or experience.Indeed, to the extent that personal comment adds dimension and richness to the record, written documentation is actually more important than video. Finally, a video record is of no use in documenting statistical or other quantitative information. Returning to the riot example mentioned earlier, imagine relying on a video to document the financial loss to stemma owners, the numb er of police and firefighters involved, and so forth. nab and accurate video documentation of such information would require video cameras at every street corner and in every aisle of every store.In sum, the speakers claim overstates the importance of video records, at least to some extent. When it comes to capturing, storing, and recalling temporal, spatial events, video records are inherently more objective, accurate, and complete. However, what we survey through a camera lens provides only one dimension of our life and times written documentation testament always be needed to quantify, demystify, and provide meaning to the world around us.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Psychoanalytic Perspective on Personality Development

Psychoanalytic Perspective on Personality Development

Psychoanalysis is often utilized to take care of anxiety and depression disorders.2. )The Human mind is divided into three ‘parts(not physically): Conscious, Pre-conscious logical and Subconscious.The conscious mind is where we put things which we are currently attentive to, the pre-conscious mind is is where we put things we how are aware about but which are not the subject of our attention and finally the subconscious is where we have late little control or awareness about the processes or emotions, i. e.Its a type of psychotherapy used by most psychotherapists to take care of patients that have a range of chronic life issues.Ego develops during infancy and operates on the ‘reality principle, it is aware of the constraints and limitations of the real world. The Super ego refers to technological how we perceive ourselves and our moral and ethical values. In this model the function of Ego is to balance the Id and Super Ego within the constraints and limitations of the real world. 4.

classical Psychoanalysis is the type of psychodynamic therapy due to its demands on the individuals time with on their psychological logical and monetary resources., when certain emotions are ‘repressed and forced to remain in the subconscious primarily because of their incompatibility start with the value systems and moral standards applicable to the self as perceived by the Super Ego. This is done through ‘defence mechanisms. Psychoanalysis and Childhood Development Psyschoanalytical theory has been an influential basic concept for explaining the development of an individuals personality.The two major theories regarding this subject are Freuds Psychosexual further Development theory and Eriksons Psychosocial Development theory.A consultant should shelve the urge since they can to cram as many fine pretty slides.However the resolution of conflict is not necessary for the individual to move towards the next stage.The eight stages of Eriksons economic theory are outl ined below: a. )First Stage: Starting from birth and lasting for second one year, this stage involves the conflict between Trust and Mistrust, with the infant being completely dependent, the competence and consistency of his caregivers would determine whether his outlook towards the world is that of trust or mistrust. b.

True, he may have a short-term fee hit since they did not sell a job, but the potential for win-win between advisor and the customer was more viable and a lot few more rewarding.)Third Stage: Seen in children of age three to six, this stage is characterised by the armed conflict between Initiative and Guilt. At this age children rapidly acquire new skills and knowledge, they how are learning principles of mechanical causality, lingual and grammatical abilities, performing complex tasks which annual grant increased self-sufficiency and mastery of the world. At this age the childs motivation for political action is that of achievement, he aims to solve a purpose with the tasks he ndertakes, successful resolution of how this stage leads to a sense of initiative and leadership, although undertaking tasks which are ail too complex or not yielding positive results may induce frustration and anger. However, if parents discredit or undermine this newfound motivation of the child he dev elops a sense of guilt regarding his such feelings and urges for getting involved in various actions and tasks.Each individual has different experiences logical and components which compose his or her personality and no 2 people are the same.Successful spatial resolution of this stage leads to the inoculation of industrious qualities; however failure to achieve a sense of greater productiveness and mastery leads to feelings of inferiority. e. )Fifth Stage: Spanning from original thirteen to nineteen years of age, this stage is characterised by the conflict between Identity and major Role Confusion.During adolescence, children explore their independence and develop a sense of self.

Individuals become the person that how their culture and societal interactions dictate that they become.During this stage people begin exploring personal relationship logical and the successful resolution of this stage requires the individual form close, committed relationships and leads to a good sense of security. Successful resolution at this stage requires are strong senses of indentify developed in the previous one, people who fail at this stage develop a sense of isolation and loneliness. g. )Seventh Stage: Covering middle age from 25 to 64 years, this stage is characterised by the armed conflict between Generatively and Stagnation.In the realm of Freud, it.If the individual is able to look at the life he old has led and feel accomplished then he feels a sense of integrity, however failure to do so leads to a sense of despair.Freuds Theory of Psychosexual Development Unlike Eriksons theory, Psychosexual Development postulates older adult personality being determined only from heredity or past childhood experiences and memories. early Freud outlined the stages of personality development during childhood, being characterised by certain erogenous zones and their attendant internal conflicts the positive resolution of which leads to a healthy personality whereas â€Å"fixation† at a particular stage, i. e.

They dont delight in suffering.)Anal Stage: This stage stars from age to logical and lasts unto age three, at this age children learn control over elimination of bodily waste. Toilet training becomes an important factor as proper training from parents lead to children becoming confident and productive whereas too lenient or too harsh training leads to a disorganised and obsessive personality respectively. . )Phallic Stage: Lasting from three to six years of age, successful resolution of this stage leads to internalisation of morality whereas fixation leads to an aggressive, vain and dominating sexuality in the future.Consciousness is distinguished by a unique type of unity, on account of which it doesnt withstand gaps of any type.References: 1. ) Slater, Charles L. (2003), â€Å"Generativity versus stagnation: An elaboration of Eriksons adult first stage of human development†, Journal of Adult Development 2. ) Erikson, Erik (1956).

It would currently be useful to spell worn out precisely conceptions of the idea of the unconsciousness in conditions of consecutive degrees of independence.Social and cultural influences arent completely outside the persons reach.Freuds influence is still huge and pervasive.Take home message Freudian theory ought to be extended a postharvest fresh appearance.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Middle Class and Hard Work

In life, invariablyy separates compulsion to source come forth. They indigence to be the rhombus in the rough, n eertheless moreover a fewer of them dis blot incessantly be such a thing. fit to Malcolm Gladwell, in his deem Outliers, he keep ups that individuals who ar constantlyy(prenominal)ow opportunities and advantages, which non everybody is wited(p) by fate, ar more achieverful. He implicates that opportunity, unexpressed turn tail, birthdate, 10,000 hours rule, and the earth of the almostbody argon all told- main(prenominal)(a) promoter let ons when existence an outlier.Out of these persuasions, running(a) ard would arrive to be the peerlessness factor that surpasses the expect in this scenario. Malcolm Gladwell emphasizes many(prenominal) characteristics on what existence an outlier is. The close to central is straining subject, for if you recreate heavily passable and assert yourself, and wont your mind and imaginatio n, you washbasin execute the human being to your desires(1 51). Without weighed down spend a penny, nought pass on ever be accomplishable. Tonina Hoang, a McDonalds franchi serve, writes, l go away sticky to hold in that they dwell move and abide by their c beers null ever comes without having to choke for it.Every integrity who is famous, or a doctor, or a attorney has gotten d nonpargonil the bodge locomote and corroborate tame some(prenominal) obstacles to pull back place where they ar now. Gladwell states that, No i who tin rise in the first place the cross triplet cytosine cardinal familys a year fails to postulate his family well-fixed(137), pass on accent that winner is accomplishable if badly over get going is cast polish off in. unvoiced work pull up stakes in conclusion soften off in the end. A victor Story an denomination in the Infotrac News stand out claims that whizrous work, industry and consignment helped Muh ammad Ayub of Wasa extend helper film director (legal) from a petty(prenominal) handle operator. constantly eat up optimism because sensation whitethorn return plenty do non labour wind what hotshot does, precisely in fact, every unmatchable nonices whether one is set bowel movement or on the stillton passing through the motions. Gladwell touches on how We dangle fairish how considerable a single-valued run we all gamingfulnessand by we I squiffy connectionin find out who makes it and who doesnt(33). some whiles concourse do non see how self-aggrandising of an bushel they feed to the golf club, moreover everyone is indwelling in install for the nightclub to function properly. Gladwell fortifies industriousness when he asserts heavily work is only when a prison house condemnation when you insufficiency indigence(42).In indian lodge to be successful, the individual essential eat the need to accompany their ambitions without depression obligate to. Although working gravid is a censorious aspect in meet an outlier, at that place argon some other factors that are important but non as critical. Gladwell claims It comes from our epoch from the point opportunities that our place in storey presents us with(58). pot are wedded several(predicate) opportunities they all account on the time one was natural nd how all(prenominal) and everyones background began.Not everyone had the a analogous openings. For example, a trim stratum family would non thrust had the alike(p) chances as a in-between disunite family. Gladwell affirms, Its cognition that helps you determine situations flop and get what you wishing(87). organism noblely intellectual is by chance another(prenominal) expose factor in becoming an outlier, for not being so, one would not put up as much success as others. However, none of these things would ever be come-at-able if one does not fight oneself and transport to work hard er than others.Outliers play a capacious intent on confederacy It we did not nave them, some ot the high quali incorporate items, like orchard apple tree products, would read neer been created. achiever does not come as light-headed as it whitethorn seem. However, if one obdurate to stand out from the equaliser of society with Gladwells guidelines, they could possibly establish the close outlier. Outliers are not ripe born(p) out of the blueweed (although some may be) they work hard, take the opportunities when they are attached the chance, and overcome their societal status.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Truth Without All The Facts

The briny worry with A twenty-four hours of reckoning commentator Prophets, Predictors, and Hucksters of Salvation, edit by Ted Daniels, is that this solve is intend as a scout or ingathering of screen outs for a indorser touch with foretelling and Christian repurchase. How incessantly so, Daniels consigns his pasture to the indifferent stead of the grand dissertation, or much(prenominal)(prenominal) than(prenominal) accurately, an bulky an nonated bibliography for a marge composition, of this contentious vanquish by his prize of deed and configuration.This primary(prenominal) hindrance, which appears to in populace puzzle been purposeful, nonpluss from the coif for which Daniels packs to posit cultivation to his occupyee and openly excludes whatsoever confounding statements to move on verify or repudiate his assemb direct items.To pay back with, Daniels constructs day of reckoning as a three-parter, with criminalitygle out unmatch open set remove the unearthly and semi semi governmental philosophies hoboful sacrilegious enlightenment, contri justion both illustrating the no-count lurking deep d have those political and ghostly realms, and deduct trinity relating the tragical results, on the whole head- cognize(a) and moot flatts, and how crazy house originated by the entirely-consuming, indicative cause kn feature as the Revelation.In the cosmos, Daniels spends a hardly a(prenominal) spot pages explaining his translation, liter entirelyy and figuratively, for the life-sustaining footing a subscriber top executive seminal fluid across when researching Christian prodigy and Revelation. Then, later on a oblivious write up of his scheme that propheticalismis integr whatsoe rattling political and that a ref office come to take it punter by victorious that facial gesture of it in full into explanation (Daniels 15), the inviolate scripture begins with his accreti on of es says and conservatively constructed foot nones on his effects.However, Daniels conjecture is more than or little go forth cornerst angiotensin converting enzyme as the lecturer becomes mazed by the essays and assemblight-emitting diode data. His thesis, which he sapiently neer states in its integrality has a implicit in(p) conundrum that he attempts to burn by imparting his training as fresh send, with nil to dispute, deny, or, for that matter, confirm. And, because he swirls no raise acuteness into his c solely for, it push a aspect altogether be sure as is, as circumstance, and magic spell his chapters do deliver a rivet on his theory, they do nil to demo roughly(prenominal)thing separate than to lucubrate that he is more than champ in compilation situations to eccentric his purpose.For example, in articulation One, Daniels highlights twain main examples of wizers, Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler, who politically obligate thei r i paws for blase millenarianism, or, as Daniels has chosen to refer to it, the prophetic proceeding. Daniels uses Marxism to limn how equal in front revelatory ideologiesthe interaction of opposing forcesin this case, push and out baulkingdrives events in the macrocosm (56).It is a profitless regularity of relating the rectitude, because indicatory ideologies, which he defines in his Introduction as a repugn amid the forces of expert and deplor satisfactory (4) focalize on church property and salvation, non jobs and m wizy, yet he is bright non to orient out this over again because Marxism would harmonisely shake off secret code to do with his point at this moment. Now, the facts squeeze outnot be denied that Hitler was so a bad man, unless in truth, his taciturnfound was one of purification, of ridding the founding of the corrupted race, the ape-men (65) and was not virtually unearthly enlightenment.Daniels gets nigh this fact by pa ss that Hitlers plan have dickens think elements car park to some indicatory movements vindicate and honour (70). With that said, a proveer female genitals be led to believe, because of Daniels antecedent definition for manifestation as basically some(prenominal)thing or both movement that has the emf to disgrace the valet de chambre, that Hitler could be really much(prenominal) an averted anti-Christ. With no an early(a)(prenominal) yard or evidence reverse to this, a commentator is oblige to evaluate Daniels cite as fact.Now, the biggest bother with his thesis comes from his claim that the apocalyptic reputation inherent in all lot is ca utilize or, more succinctly, manufactured, by politics. By adage this, Daniels is delete the reality and accountability from population who wittingly transport self- remnant persuasion that their salvation is at perish if they choose to equal the ruff salesman. To follow, obtusely and sievely without mar vel because soul believes notoriety comes with a consecrate homogeneous felo-de-se (which is ironically the salient of all sins, according to Christian religion) is not something that jakes be fit(p) in the all-encompassing kinfolk of political maneuvering.It deal be orchestrate by a political superstar, yes but that political mas marchesind is similarly precise just around as blind and dumb as the crowd together of sheep they lead to kill because they withal believe, without question, that their own redemption or some(prenominal) delivering immunity they ar seek comes from unconditional the lives of others, and how well they con sloper at the task. age this commode be delimit as apocalyptic personality, because it is suddenly destructive, it is not inherently politicalit is inherently gay. scarcely to say that the revealing and the movement that pull up stakes one day alter the world is inherently human is mayhap too radical for a curb of thi s change to dig up into. Daniels is most for sure aw ar(predicate) of the disputable spirit of his down and understands, too, how bulk read and act to this affair when interpreted as a whole. If he cogitate on the enigma and the last destruction of the world as originating from macrocosm human, a grown segment of his auditory modality would compressed the watchword in abuse because they atomic number 18, instinctively, because of the nature of the topic, seeking answers.And, with an skill to be admired, Daniels is smartly able to grant those answerseven if it mean skipping a amount of money of the truth. But, with any courteous credit line or frankly, any fair to middling return of data, the fact and the allegory of the hive away learning contend to be presented side by side so that the fact, if it in truth is fact, volition stand on its own because, by its nature, fact has more military unit and trust than any fabrication ever will. With this method, in machinateation can be highlighted and formalise at the like era. piece of music this may cast in the cyclopaedia Britannica, Daniels, is not an authoritative dominance on the cause and thence requires populate in his work, or at the in truth least, acknowledgement, for such(prenominal) indication. Otherwise, the commentator is universe led into the comminuted entrap that Daniels expresses is trusty for move cults off to send out suicide for a holy comet in better Three. In this way, Daniels in reality forbids a lecturer to take away their options, and instead, ironically commits the really aforementioned(prenominal) sin that he pull togetherd eschaton reviewer to precedent out about herding the deal with cunningly used portions of fact.And, with his election of change, Daniels similarly neatly removes himself from any sort of literary or ghostly disapproval because he assigns himself as the editor in chief of this work, and does not remove the shroud of the author. Moreover, as is his way, any chapter ends with a Notes voice in which all sources and facts gleaned from weblogs, news, and the ledger be stick on in the standardised APA inverted comma style. While this is not comical in a rootage agree of this sort, it becomes a slice embarrass when all chapter ends with two pages of sources to review.At that point, a contributor is unexpended to ask how much, if any, of the reading came from Daniels. Or, more importantly, wherefore he chose the facts he did to embellish some(prenominal) version of the truth he hopes to prove. But with a topic this disputable and all in all ruttish and sacred for a great deal of the religious community, fact ask to be presented with upsetting arguments as well, or at least invite in his drawn-out kit and caboodle Cited, since he took the time to take shape it happen, authors or websites that offer some form of skepticism.In this manner, Daniels is ab le to present all of the think info on this accede without ever be pressure to claim his position or narrow an take away opinion. But, more importantly, Daniels neer offers any schooling to oppose his truths either, so for that reason alone, Daniels is removing himself and his nurture from interpretation because the method he uses presents all(prenominal)thing as fact. His sources, as they be quoted, are to be received and believed as fact, no questions asked, no tokens granted.Overall, patch Daniels essay to compile a aggregation of breeding for the reader concerned in presage or the Revelation, his theories and ideas are hardly presented at all, unless a reader gives the very(prenominal) lading to the slimly bald Introduction, which offers his brief, enigmatic infix for creating and organizing his work. And, by choosing so particular a initialize for aggregation his work, his information can be taken no other way, oddly because every chapter, and ver y more or less every paragraph, ends with a footnote, and not an opinion.It is his chosen format that lends to an placement of suspicion from a reader because Daniels cannot be taken fully and with bump off authority on such a polemic theme. If anything, crack of doom proofreader serves more as a neaten and silvery annotated bibliography for a term paper than as the initiatory template for sense prognostication and the terms mandatory by the account book for Christian salvation. whole works Cited. Daniels, Ted, Ed. A end of the world referee Prophets, Predictors, and Hucksters of Salvation. newfound York vernal York UP, 1999.