Saturday, August 31, 2019

Competitive advantage Sony Essay

1 Introduction Nowadays it has become more and more important for organizations, such as Sony, to differentiate themselves from their competitors by enhancing the way their customers perceive and experience their brand and products. This has become more crucial for the success of Sony due to the fact that the demands and expectations of customers have changed. Today’s market is not only looking at the direct benefits of purchasing a product but also at the added benefits that come with it. More and more competitors of Sony have  changed the way they interact with their customers in order to gain and maintain competitive advantage (Sony, n.d.). This paper will explore the possibilities for Sony to increase sales by drawing attention to the experience of customers using their products. 2 Research problem statement In order to stay competitive, Sony needs to find new ways to enhance customer experience of their products. This entails emphasizing on the whole offering of the organization including, of course, the quality of customer care and product features, but also creative advertising, packaging, ease of use, and reliability (Meyer & Schwager, 2007). At the moment, Sony is facing heavy competition in all their market segments. According to Gianforte (2012), nowadays an organization cannot only successfully compete based on their products/services and price alone. Customer experience has become the new critical differentiator that a successful business should be based up on. This customer experience can have an influence on the buying intention through the following process: Satisfaction Howard (1977, 1983, in: Fornell & Johnson, 1991) found that a positive customer experience leads to high levels of customer satisfaction. According to Olsen, Wilcox & Olsson (2005), consumer satisfaction is a global evaluation or a state of feeling towards a product or service. According to Giese and Cote (2000), satisfaction consists of three general components, namely: – The consumer satisfaction is an emotional or cognitive response. – The response is associated with a particular focus, expectations, product and consumption experience. – The response happens in a particular time Trust With regard to satisfaction brand trust plays an important role in satisfaction in developing a customer base committed to the brand. Trust is a key variable in the development of an enduring desire to maintain a relationship in the long term (Morgan and Hunt, 1994, in: Delgado-Balester, Munuera-Alà ©man). Seybold (2001) adds that trust grows from every experience customers have with a product and service. Bowers, Richardson & Swan (1998) agree with the statement that a positive customer experience can be created  by building trust with them. Brand trust can be created by sending out credible and expert messages. Also, adding a trust appeal to messages (for example â€Å"You can trust on the fact that we do our job well†) increases brand reliability, leads to a more positive attitude towards the brand and increases purchasing intention (Hornikx, 2002). Paul, Schneider and White (1998) found that when customers are satisfied thus have positive perceptions of an organization, they are likely to remain a customer of that organization. In line with this statement Espejel, Fandos & Flavian (2004) and Howard (1977, in: Fornell & Johnson, 1991) found that a higher satisfaction leads to greater levels of loyalty and buying intention of the service or product. This is also confirmed by Gentile et al. (2007) who state that when customers have a positive customer experience, an emotional tie will be created between a firm’s brand and its customers, which in turn enhances customer loyalty. Loyalty European researchers studying during the 1970s business-to-business marketing discovered that suppliers who formed close working relationships with their customers tended to have better customers. Better refers to the fact that the customers were more loyal to the organization. Also, the customers evaluated the suppliers higher. Subsequent research found that loyal customers are more profitable to a firm. The profitability is thought to be generated by reduced servicing costs, less price sensitivity, increased spending, and the recommendations passed on to other potential customers. To strengthen relationships with their customers, and bond them to an organization, most organizations are interested in loyalty programs (Dowling & Uncles, 1997). Buying intention Loyalty is a crucial factor when it comes to buying intention. Light (1994, in: Palumbo & Herbig, 2000) states that building brand loyalty will endure profitable growth as well as sales volume. The positive effect of loyalty on sales is also emphasized by Bowen and Chen (2001). Their research shows that loyal customers increase sales by purchasing a wider variety of the products and by making more frequent purchases. Relation between customer experience and buying intention When taking an overview at the literature mentioned above, a relation between the several factors can be noticed. Literature teaches that a positive customer experience leads to a higher satisfaction. This in turn increases the brand trust. This trust simultaneously affects the loyalty of customers in a brand. In the end this loyalty results in an increase in buying intention. 2.1 Purpose of research Based on the importance of the customer experience and its influence on the buying intention the general purpose of this research is to get an insight in the important determinants of this experience. In order to investigate what determinants Sony should particularly focus on, in the following sections the main research question and the sub-questions are defined. After the questions there will be a review of the relevant literature on the topic of customer experience. Thereafter an explanation of the methods used will be given, followed by the analysis and the conclusion. Based on these conclusion there will be given an advice to the management. 3 Research question Based on the problem statement, the following main research question is proposed: In what way can Sony adjust their communication strategy to improve the costumer experience in order to increase sales? The main question can be answered due answering the following sub-questions: What is meant by â€Å"customer experience† and what are its determinants? Which determinants are of most importance determining the costumer experience? 4 Proposed literature In order to answer the main research question it is of importance for Sony to exactly know what is meant by â€Å"customer experience† and what the determinants of the experience are. This can be found through a literature study. After that they can investigate which determinants are of most importance according to the customers of Sony. In literature several definitions on the concept of ‘customer experience’ have been mentioned. According to Berry, Carbone and Haekel (2002) customers always have an experience whenever they purchase a product or service from a company. Meyer and Schwager (2007) state that customer experience is â€Å"the internal and subjective response customers have to any direct or indirect contact with a company. Direct contact generally occurs in the course of purchase, use, and service and is usually initiated by the customer. Indirect contact most often involves unplanned encounters with representatives of a company’s products, services or brands and takes the form of word-of-mouth recommendations or criticisms, advertising, news reports, reviews and so forth†(in: Verhoef, Lemon, Parasuraman, Roggeveen, Tsiros & Schlesinger, 2009, p. 32). Gentile, Spiller and Noci (2007) on the other hand, use a different definition of customer experience, namely: customer experience â€Å"originates from a set of interactions between a customer and a product, a company, or part of its organization, which provoke a reaction†. This experience is strictly personal and implies customer’s involvement at different levels; on a rational, emotional, sensorial, physical or spiritual level. Verhoef et al. (2009) also state that the experience factor plays an increasingly important role in determining the success of a company’s offering because of the competition in the global. Therefore, organizations need to manage the customer experience in order to improve the company’s success. In order to aggregate a positive customer experience, it is crucial that Sony is aware of the influences on this experience. When looking at determinants of customer experience in literature, the conceptual model by Verhoef et. al (2009) provides an overview of all the factors that have an influence on one’s customer experience. The model can be found in appendix A. Based on the abovementioned model the determinants of costumer experience are: social environment, service interface, retail atmosphere, assortment, price, customer experiences in alternative channels, retail brand, past customer experience. Current research will focus on these determinants and therefore the constructs will represent these determinants. These constructs  can be found in appendix B. Situation moderators and consumer moderators will not be included, because the organization can not influence these factors. 5 Methods and techniques In order to answer the main research question a complete overview of the most important determinants of costumer experience by the Dutch Sony customers is needed. This overview will be accomplished by a thorough questionnaire amongst the Dutch customers. Based on the answers of this questionnaire a focus group will follow in order to indicate the factors which can be improved so a higher customer experience is created. Questionnaire The constructs of the questionnaire are based on the determinants of customer experience by Verhoef et al. (2009), the constructs can be found in appendix A. They are used because their causal effect on customer experience is proven in literature. The questionnaire will be sent to Sony customers as well as non-Sony costumers (details see appendix C). Appendix D shows the questionnaire sent to the respondents. The questions of the questionnaire are linked to the constructs, this linkage can be found in appendix E. After receiving the answers the questionnaire will be analyzed, this process can be found in appendix C. The results of these questionnaire indicate which determinants have the most influence on the consumer experience of the Dutch (Sony) customers. Focus groups The focus groups with a number of twelve respondents per group will consist of six Sony costumers and six non Sony costumers. A detailed overview of the target group and focus groups can be found in appendix C. The content of the sessions will be based on the results of the questionnaire, which will show the determinants that have the most influence on customer experience. The group of people will discuss what they find convenient subjects with regard to these constructs. Based on these subject there can be analyzed which things Sony has to adjust within its communication strategy so the strategy will match the customer’s optimal customer experience. 6 Analysis In order to answer the main research question one must first answer the second sub-question. This question covers the determinants that are of most importance concerning the customer experience. The answers to the questionnaire will provide the information for answering the sub-question. Questionnaire The first analysis is oriented at determining the average scores of each question and eventually for each construct. Appendices F till L show the average score of every question, displayed per construct. These scores are distracted from the scale, reaching from 1 till 5, with 2.5 as the mean of the scale. Questions concerning the social environment show above mean scores, with a 3.6 as the minimum. This means that the social environment is a very important determinant of customer experience. Service interface also has very high scores. With an average of 4.3 the highest scored question of this construct states that customers agree with the fact the co-customization adds value to products. The role of the retail atmosphere seems to be of less influence on the customer experience. The average scores of these question are significantly lower, with 5 out of 10 questions scoring below the mean of the scale. Questions within the assortment and past experiences construct have a score far above the mean. While the questions concerning both retail brand and price mostly score below mean. Next to the average scores of the questions appendix M shows the average score per construct. One can see from the bar chart there are four out of seven constructs that score far above the mean, and three constructs that score about the mean. Therefore there will be concluded that these four constructs (social environment, service interface, assortment and past experiences) are the determinants that are of most importance determining the costumer experience. Focus groups Following to the questionnaire are the focus groups. During these sessions the customers discussed about each of the highly important constructs: social environment, service interface, assortment and past experiences. Certain subjects came up during these discussions, these subjects were labeled, see appendix N. During the focus groups it was found that the past experience mostly concerned the service interface (e.g. the service  personnel) and the assortment (e.g. quality of the product). An important label that was mentioned was the trust that derives from positive past experience, which makes them willing to buy more of Sony. Besides the service interface and the assortment the customers within the focus groups also discussed about the social environment. Reviews and the opinions of other with regard to the experience of a product are seen as important influencers. 7 Conclusion and advice to the management This research is conducted in order to investigate in what way Sony can adjust their communication strategy to improve the costumer experience in order to increase sales. Therefore there is already stated what the definition of customer experience is and what its determinants are. The results of the questionnaire and focus groups show that there are four determinants that are of most influence with regard to the customer experience. Two of these components can be influenced by Sony, namely the service interface and the assortment. The other two constructs, social environment and past experience, are in turn influenced by these components and can not be directly influenced. With regard to the service interface it is of importance that the personnel of Sony meets the requirements that the customers find of importance: kind, helpful, advising and knowledge. These characteristics are perceived to be very important when it comes to a pleasant experience within the store. In addition to the social experience, logically another important factor is the assortment of Sony. The quality and the variety of this assortment is of great importance. The social experience, through service interface, and the practical experience, through the assortment, are both constructs that can be influenced by Sony. The construct past experience can not be influenced by Sony, because of the fact that the experience is already in the past, nevertheless Sony can improve their current service interface and assortment. In that way customers’ past experiences for the future will be positive. In line with  Morgan and Hunt (1994) and Seybold (2001) there was found that positive experiences with the brand creates trust with the customer. These positive past experience will therefore create trust in Sony, which will lead to remaining buying intentions. With regard to social environment the importance of the experience of others and online reviews was noted. Sony can only influence these factors by providing good services (service interface) and products (assortment), so people will evaluate these products and services positive. Based on these conclusions the advices for the management are: Develop a training program for all of the employees: they have to meet certain requirements with regard their knowledge about the products of Sony and to the way they provide their services. After implementing the program make sure that the customers also know of the training, so they know they can trust the advice of the skilled personnel within the store. This can be mentioned at posters, commercials etc. (e.g. on a poster: â€Å"Feel free to visit our store for questions or advice, we keep ourselves up-to-date especially for you!†) Make sure that all the communication expressions emphasize the quality of the products and to enhance the quality of these products customers can be asked to give their opinion about the product on the Sony website. Through this system the chance will increase that a big part of the online reviews will be given at the Sony site. In this situation the communication department of Sony can quickly detect negative reactions on which they can respond to solve the problem. All the visitors of the review will so experience the involvement of Sony, which creates sympathy. Send good quality products to influential people that make movies on YouTube and ask them to review the product. Make clear that you want them to give their honest opinion, and that they also mention that to their viewers. A good Sony product will then get an excellent review viewed by a great amount of customers. 8 References Berry, L.L., Carbone, L.P., & Haeckel, S.H. (2002). Managing the total customer experience. MIT Sloan Management Review, 43(3), pp. 1-6. Bowen, J.T., & Chen, S.L. (2001). The relationship between customer loyalty and customer satisfaction, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 13(5), pp. 213 – 217 Bowers, M.R., Richardson, L.D. & Swan, J.E. (1998). Customer trust in the salesperson: an integrative review and meta-analysis of the empirical literature. Journal of Business Research, 44, pp. 93-107. Delgado-Ballester, E., & Munuera-Alemà ¡n, J.L. (2001). Brand trust in the context of consumer loyalty, European Journal of Marketing, 35(11), pp. 1238 – 1258 Down, C.W., & Adrian, A.D. (2004). Assessing organizational communication. New York, United States: the Guilford Press. Dowling, G.R., & Uncles, M. (1997). 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Last retrieved on December 12th, 2012, from:

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mission and Vision Statements Essay

It often reflects the values and beliefs of top managers in an organization. A mission statement is the broad definition of the organizational mission. It is sometimes referred to as a creed, purpose, or statement of corporate philosophy and values. A good mission statement inspires employees and provides a focus and direction for setting lower level objectives. It should guide employees in making decisions and establish what the organization does. Mission statements are crucial for organizations to prosper and grow. While studies suggest that they have a positive impact on profitability and can increase shareholder equity, they also support that almost 40 percent of employees do not know or understand their company’s mission. Not only large corporations benefit from creating mission statements but small businesses as Photo by: sellingpix http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-Statements. html Page 1 of 12 Mission and Vision Statements – strategy, organization, examples, advantages, definition, company, disadvantages, business 5/19/13 2:42 PM well. Entrepreneurial businesses are driven by vision and high aspirations. Developing a mission statement will help the small business realize their vision. Its primary purpose is to guide the entrepreneur and assist in refining the planning process. By developing a strategic plan that incorporates the mission statement, entrepreneurs are more likely to be successful and stay focused on what is important. The mission statement encourages managers and small business owners alike to consider the nature and scope of the business. Business Week attributes 30 percent higher return on several key financial measure for companies with well-crafted mission statements. COMMON ELEMENTS While mission statements vary from organization to organization and represent the distinctness of each one, they all share similar components. Most statements include descriptions of the organization’s target market, the geographic domain, their concern for survival, growth and profitability, the company philosophy, and the organization’s desired public image. For example: Our mission is to become the favorite family dining restaurant in every neighborhood in which we operate. This will be accomplished by serving a variety of delicious tasting and generously portioned foods at moderate prices. Our restaurants will be clean, fun, and casual. Our guests will be served by friendly, knowledgeable people that are dedicated to providing excellent customer service. This mission statement describes the target market, which are families and the geographic domain of neighborhoods. It clearly states how it expects to be profitable by offering excellent customer service by friendly, knowledgeable people. When defining the mission statement it is important to take into account external influences such as the competition, labor conditions, economic conditions, and possible government regulation. It is important to remember however, that mission statements that try to be everything to everybody end up being nothing to anybody. http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-Statements. html Page 2 of 12 Mission and Vision Statements – strategy, organization, examples, advantages, definition, company, disadvantages, business 5/19/13 2:42 PM Companies should have mission statements that clearly define expected shareholder returns and they should regularly measure performance in terms of those expected returns. If the major reason for a business’s existence is to make a profit then it stands to reason that expectations of profit should be included in the organization’s mission. This means that management should reach a consensus about which aspects of the company’s profit performance should be measured. These might include margin growth, product quality, market share changes, competitive cost position, and capital structure efficiency. A mission statement sets the boundaries for how resources should be allocated and what strategic and operational goals should be set. The mission statement should acknowledge the company’s strengths and then inform employees where to direct their efforts in order to take advantage of those strengths. Before writing a mission statement organizations should take a look at how they are different from the competition, whether it is in technology, image and name brand, or employees. It can often be thought of as a recipe for success because it not only defines the organization’s accomplishments but it also provides employees with directions to help them develop plans and look for opportunities for improvement. The organization defines what is acceptable behavior through the mission statement. Values and beliefs are the core of a strong mission statement. For example: Quality and values will secure our success. We will live by our values, have fun, and take pride in what we do. Our values are to maintain a work environment where people enjoy coming to work, to serve our guests and exceed their expectations, and to be profitable and result oriented. This mission statement is simple and straightforward. It does not, however, specify the products or target market. The mission statement also provides meaning to the organization by stating not only what goals the company wants to achieve but also why it wants to achieve these goals. It is not effective unless it is challenging and forces workers to establish goals and means to measure the achievement of those goals. A mission statement should inspire employees and get them involved in the organization. It has been called the glue that holds the organization together through shared values and standards of behavior. A mission statement should be relevant to the history, culture, and values of the company. Many statements refer to the social responsibility of the organization. For example, a company can show their concern for the community in the following: http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-Statements. html Page 3 of 12 Mission and Vision Statements – strategy, organization, examples, advantages, definition, company, disadvantages, business 5/19/13 2:42 PM To be involved as good corporate citizens wherever we are around the world. We will treat customers and distributors with honesty, courtesy, and respect. We will respect and preserve the environment. Through all of this we will prove to be the worldwide leader in industry trade. One important issue in organizations today is the concern with diversity. While it is not a traditional point included in mission statements, more and more companies are including it because of the globalization of the economy and the increased diversity of the workforce. Before writing a mission statement, leaders in the organization must have an idea of what is in store for the future. This vision is the foundation for the mission statement. The vision provides a strategic direction, which is the springboard for the mission and its related goals. A vision statement differs from a mission statement. Vision statements are a view of what an organization is striving to become. For example: To bring back to neighborhoods all over America the importance of family unity. We will view ourselves as a family so these attributes will be carried over into our service. They guide an organization into the future while mission statements are a reflection of the present. Because vision statements are a glimpse into the future, they are often not realized for several years. Organizations go through many changes and can face times of confusion and uncertainty. Changes are not always expected or easy, so a well thought out vision statement will help everyone stay focused and meet the organization’s goals. Some examples of well-known companies’ mission statements: Wal-Mart: â€Å"To give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same thing as rich people. † 3M: â€Å"To solve unsolved problems innovatively. † Walt Disney: â€Å"To make people happy. † Historically, these may have seemed arrogant. But consider the outcome of the following mission statements from each company’s early days: Ford Motor Company: â€Å"Ford will democratize the automobile. † Sony: â€Å"Become the company most know for changing the world-wide poor-quality image of Japanese products. † Wal-Mart: â€Å"Become a $125 billion company by the year 2000. † http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-Statements. html Page 4 of 12 Mission and Vision Statements – strategy, organization, examples, advantages, definition, company, disadvantages, business 5/19/13 2:42 PM WRITING A MISSION STATEMENT When creating a mission statement there are a few simple guidelines that can be followed. It is important to remember the basics so the mission statement stays simple and straight to the point. Some researchers agree that it should be kept to between 30 and 60 words, while others believe it does not necessarily have to be that brief. Some organizations have mission statements that are only one sentence, while others are a paragraph. An example of a mission statement that is limited to one sentence is â€Å"Our business is selling houses and our mission is total customer satisfaction. At a minimum, each mission statement should answer the following three questions: (1) What are the opportunities or needs the organization addresses? (2) What does the organization do to address those needs? and (3) What principles and values guide the organization? In other words, defining the organization’s purpose, business and values. Avoiding jargon and buzzwords will keep the mission statement clear and easy to understand. It should be universal and simple to comprehend for all employees in the organization. It should be unique and identify the organization. A mission statement is often what sets one company apart from the competition. It should outline the organization’s competitive advantages and differentiate it from everyone else. Specific products/services offered as well as markets or customers should be included. Also a general business definition, behavioral standards, and desired competitive position can be added to a strong mission statement. EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT It is often helpful to allow company-wide input when creating a mission statement. This â€Å"bottom up† approach results in greater commitment to the organization and a better understanding of the organization. Employees from throughout the organization can help identify the core values of the company. In order to encourage employee participation, many companies have created competitions inviting employees to submit suggestions. Cash prizes are sometimes provided as an incentive for creative and inspirational statements. Some companies find it useful to invite customers to assist in writing a mission statement because they can provide an honest perspective. Another option is to review mission statements from other companies. This can help provide ideas as the writing process begins. It is important to keep in mind that there will be a draft process involved in creating the mission statement. Employees can often provide invaluable insight on how to improve on each draft. In the end, the mission statement should reflect the personality of the organization. Thus, each company should be creative and unique in developing its own statement. Creating a mission http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-Statements. html Page 5 of 12 Mission and Vision Statements – strategy, organization, examples, advantages, definition, company, disadvantages, business 5/19/13 2:42 PM  committee that consists of members of management, frontline employees, and customers is another way to begin writing a mission statement. The major benefit of this strategy is the inclusion of all areas of the organization to ensure that everyone is represented. Another benefit is that employees will be more willing to work toward accomplishing the mission if they know they had a vo ice in its creation. A â€Å"top down† approach can be effective in smaller organizations or even sole proprietorships. There is less time involved in creating a mission statement when it comes from the top. Also, many times frontline employees and lower level managers lack the insight necessary to see the big picture. They may not be able to conceptualize the entire organization and therefore miss important aspects of the business. Participation may not always be a good option for small businesses. In small businesses that are started by entrepreneurs the mission statement is generally a vision of an individual and therefore may not be negotiable. When the mission statement comes from upper management, employees are more assured of the organization’s commitment to the statement. A word of caution should be noted when deciding whether to adopt a â€Å"top down† approach or a â€Å"bottom up† approach. If the mission statement is to be created with a wide variety of input from both employees and customers then it will take longer than a â€Å"top down† approach. There must be a sharing of views and ideas with compromises made. A consensus should be developed without the problems associated with groupthink. There is always the possibility that too much compromise will distort the mission statement and the end result is something different from the original intent. The â€Å"top down† approach is not always effective because it rarely consults employees when making important decisions. Therefore, although it is the fastest route to take it isn’t always the most effective. While the mission statement should be able to change with the times it is also understood to have a certain degree of permanence. As new businesses begin to grow and hire more employees the mission statement should provide a strong sense of stability and a clear definition of the culture. A mission statement is worthless unless it has the support of the employees in the organization. It will only be successful if each employee commits to its success and internalizes it. Once the statement is completed it is extremely important that the organization not put it on the shelf to collect dust. It should be shared with the entire company. The introduction of the mission statement should come directly from top management in order to set the example. Organizations should be creative in making employees aware of the mission statement. Placing it strategically in locations where employees gather will increase awareness and remind them of the goals of the http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-Statements. html Page 6 of 12 Mission and Vision Statements – strategy, organization, examples, advantages, definition, company, disadvantages, business 5/19/13 2:42 PM organization. Videos outlining the details of the new mission statement are often useful; however, it is critical that employees have the opportunity to discuss the statement with members of management. Setting up meetings with members of management and frontline employees can often help uncover areas where the company does not meet the standards set by the mission statement. Communicating the mission statement to customers will make them feel valued and important. It can be sent to customers in a mass mailing or posted on signs in areas those customers frequent. It sets forth the goals of the organization so customers know what to expect when doing business with the company. SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that helps an organization match its internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis is important and useful in creating and executing the organization’s mission statement. Often the best strategies for accomplishing the organization’s mission are revealed through the SWOT analysis. The best strategies are those that take advantage of strengths and opportunities, offset threats, and improve weaknesses. Organizations should first begin by reviewing internal strengths and weaknesses. When analyzing an organization’s strengths it is important to identify distinctive competencies or strengths possessed by only a few competing firms. These distinctive competencies often become the competitive advantages that are included in the mission statement. Distinctive competencies can be found in financial resources, quality products and services, proprietary technology, or cost advantages. Organizational weaknesses are skills and capabilities that prevent an organization from implementing strategies that achieve its mission. They can be problems with facilities, lack of a clear strategic direction, internal operating problems, too narrow a product line, weak market image, or the inability to finance changes. The next step is to identify external opportunities and threats. Organizational opportunities are circumstances in an organization’s environment that if capitalized on will result in above normal increases in economic performance. Examples of opportunities are related to the possibility of adding a new product line, increasing market growth, or diversifying into related products. Threats are viewed as circumstances that give rise to normal or below normal economic performance. They can be found in the ease of entry of competitors, increased sales of substituted products, demographic changes, slowed market growth, or increased competition. EVALUATION http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-State ments. html Page 7 of 12 Mission and Vision Statements – strategy, organization, examples, advantages, definition, company, disadvantages, business 5/19/13 2:42 PM Evaluation of the mission statement is necessary to ensure the organization is meeting its goals. If needed, new goals may have to be created in order to accommodate changes in the organization. It may be time to reevaluate what the organization is doing or where it is headed. This is a good time to think about entering into new areas or to begin doing things differently by rewriting part or all of the mission and vision statements. In evaluating an organization’s performance, management must look at several different aspects of the organization. First, managers need to determine if the organization’s plans are clearly linked to its mission statement and related goals. Plans should be developed for both the short run and long run. Secondly, assigning jobs that are directly related to the achievement of organizational goals will help ensure they are attained. The goals should be communicated clearly so employees understand what tasks need to be carried out and what the rewards will be. Finally, when evaluating individual performance, the information gathered should be recent and compared to established standards. Mission statements are often difficult to evaluate because they are written in a somewhat abstract form. They are, many times, not directly measurable and vaguely worded. Figure 1 presents an example of how mission statements can be measured from the top of the organization to the bottom. Strategic goals are directly tied to the organization’s mission statement and apply to the organization as a whole. Tactical goals are departmental goals that support the strategic goals. Finally, operational goals are written at the individual level. Each one of these makes it possible to measure the organization’s mission statements. An organization’s likelihood of accomplishing its mission is increased as it creates strong and measurable goals at each level. It is not necessary that the mission statement be measured in quantifiable terms. It may also be measured qualitatively. For example, â€Å"We will answer all of our customers’ questions and if we don’t know the answer, we will find out. † While this is not a quantitative statement it can be measured by monitoring customer service calls and setting operational goals for employees that revolve around follow up and thoroughness. Mission and vision statements give organizations a focus and a strategy for the future. According to Bart and Tabone, they have become the cornerstones of organizations. They contribute to organizations’ success and can lead to increases in productivity and performance. They do not have to be reserved for the entire organization—each department or division can benefit from developing a mission statement, as long as they are not in contradiction to the company’s overall mission. Preferably, an individual department’s mission links it to the fulfillment of the overall http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-Statements. html Page 8 of 12 Mission and Vision Statements – strategy, organization, examples, advantages, definition, company, disadvantages, business 5/19/13 2:42 PM company mission. Mission statements for functional Figure 1 departments provide the same benefits as they do for the entire organization. In conclusion, mission statements provide a sense of direction and purpose. In times of change and growth they can be an anchor and a guide in decision making. The benefits far outweigh the disadvantages and challenges when looking at the potential for increases in profitability and returns. Defining an organization by what it produces and who it satisfies are major steps towards creating a sound and stable mission statement. Setting a company apart from the competition is probably one of the biggest advantages. SEE ALSO: Strategic Planning Failure ; Strategic Planning Tools ; Strategy Formulation ; Strategy Implementation ; SWOT Analysis Amy McMillan Revised by Deborah Hausler FURTHER READING: Bart, C. K. , and J. C. Tabone.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Carbon Tax for Australia Fossil Fuel Consumption help

A carbon tax can reduce carbon emissions of organisations and individuals and promote the development of renewable energy sources. The increase in greenhouse gases in the environment is the primary cause of climate change which is occurred due to carbon emissions caused by human activities such as deforestation, use of non-renewable sources of energy and burning of fossil fuel (Marron & Toder, 2014, p. 564). A high rate of carbon tax will encourage companies and people to find new alternative renewable sources of energy such as wind, solar, water and biomass energy. For example, wind power sources in Australia have grown by 35 percent in five years up to 2011 (Hallgren, Gunturu & Schlosser, 2014, n.p). Similarly, in Sweden, oil accounted for just 20 percent of energy suppliers which was 75 percent in 1970 (Sweden, 2018, n.p). Therefore, if a carbon tax is imposed, then carbon emissions will reduce, and investment in renewable energy sources will increase. However, it is difficult for the government and corporations to entirely use renewable sources of energy because they will face different economical and geographical difficulties. As per Lee (2014, p. 1218), manufacturing organisations are the primary contributors of greenhouse gases in the environment because they use fossil fuel such as oil, gas and coal in their procedure. They use fossil fuel because it is easily available and relatively cheaper. For example, in Australia, more than 93.38 percent of energy is consumed through fossil fuel, and companies have to change their entire production procedure in order to use renewable energy sources for manufacturing (Ycharts, 2017, n.p). According to Goulder (2013, p. 8), switching the production location would be cheaper for manufacturing companies rather than entirely changing their production procedure to use renewable sources of energy. Therefore, if a carbon tax is imposed, then companies are more likely to switch manufacturing loca tions since renewable energy sources are very expensive. Although it is difficult for manufacturing companies to use renewable sources of energy, but the technological developments in the field are making renewable energy sources more accessible and affordable for companies. For example, as per Parkinson (2017, n.p), solar and wind energy sources will substantially reduce the coal energy market by 2032 and use of green energy sources will be cheaper for manufacturing firms. Similarly, people are also contributing to reduce their carbon emissions by using renewable energy sources. For example, Adelaide, Alice Springs, Blacktown and Townsville are solar cities in Australia and people can take discounted loans to buy solar panels and use them for generating electricity (Energy Matters, 2017, n.p). Therefore, the imposition of a carbon tax will reduce carbon emissions by increasing the use of renewable energy sources. The imposition of a carbon tax will be an effective tool for reducing carbon emission while at the same time it will generate billions of dollars in revenue for countries. Ploeg and Withagen (2014, p. 297) claimed that a carbon tax would increase the national income and the government can invest that revenue for increasing the use of renewable energy sources. It is called recycling carbon revenues. The government can invest the amount received from carbon tax into diverse fields in order to establish public infrastructure that uses renewable energy sources. For example, Tesla is developing a hyperloop system that will use renewable energy source and reduce overall transportation energy costs and time by travel people at a speed of 1,200 km/h (750mph) (Sakowski, 2016, n.p). If a carbon tax is imposed, then the government will have more capital that can be spent on improving infrastructure that is based on renewable energy sources and more meaningful behaviour. Although there are numerous benefits of the imposition of a carbon tax, it would also result in increasing new burdens for organisations, governments, consumers and the overall economy. According to Andrew, Kaidonis and Andrew (2010, p. 613), the cost of imposition and collection of carbon tax would increase overall expenses of the government which will negatively affect the nation’s economy. For example, it is easy for countries such as Sweden and Norway to implement carbon tax policies effectively. However, it is difficult to implement in countries such as China and India that contributes 30 percent and 7 percent carbon emissions worldwide respectively (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2017, n.p). The government would face difficulty in effectively imposing and collecting carbon tax in these countries because of high population and low control of the government. If a harmonised carbon tax is not imposed globally, then it cannot be used for addressing the issue of climate change. However, a harmonised carbon tax would generate income globally that could be used by governments for addressing the global issue of climate change. As of 2017, the number of countries that implement a carbon tax policy has reached 40 which include large nations such as the United Kingdom and Australia (Roberts, 2017, n.p). In order to meet Paris climate goals, nations such as India, Brazil and Thailand will also implement policies for implementing carbon tax which would assist in reducing carbon emissions globally (Roberts, 2017, n.p). For example, Demark introduced carbon tax in 1992, and between 1992 and 2005, the carbon emission per person has reduced by 15 percent (Nunez, 2018, n.p). If governments across the world implement a harmonised carbon tax policy, then it will result in reducing carbon emissions of both companies and people. Therefore, carbon tax is an effective solution for addressing the issue of climate change. In conclusion, there are many difficulties in implementing a carbon tax policy such as high administration costs, increase in expenses of companies, lack of harmonised tax system, and high dependence on fossil fuel. However, a carbon tax policy can reduce global carbon emissions and increase the investment in renewable energy sources which assist in addressing the issue of climate change. Thus, a carbon tax policy is the best solution for climate change. Therefore, governments should implement a harmonised carbon tax policy for reducing carbon emissions of organisations and individuals and increasing their dependence on renewable energy sources. Andrew, J, Kaidonis, MA & Andrew, B 2010, ‘Carbon tax: Challenging neoliberal solutions to climate change’,  Critical Perspectives on Accounting,  vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 611-618. Bristow, AL, Wardman, M, Zanni, AM & Chintakayala, PK 2010, ‘Public acceptability of personal carbon trading and carbon tax’,  Ecological Economics, vol. 69, no. 9, pp. 1824-1837. Energy Matters 2017, Australia’s Solar Cities, Energy Matters, viewed 7 April 2018, Goulder, LH 2013, ‘Climate change policy's interactions with the tax system’  Energy Economics, vol. 40, pp. 3-11. Hallgren, W, Gunturu, UB & Schlosser, A, 2014, ‘The potential wind power resource in Australia: A new perspective’,  PloS one, vol. 9, no. 7. Lee, KH, 2011, ‘Integrating carbon footprint into supply chain management : the case of Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) in the automobile industry’,  Journal of Cleaner Production,  vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 1216-1223. Lin, B & Li, X 2011, ‘The effect of carbon tax on per capita CO2 emissions’,  Energy policy, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 5137-5146. Marron, DB & Toder, EJ 2014, ‘Tax policy issues in designing a carbon tax’,  American Economic Review, vol. 104, no. 5, pp. 563-568. Nunez, C 2018, What’s A Carbon Tax, And How Does It Reduce Emissions?, National Geographic, viewed 6 April 2018, Parkinson, G 2017, How wind and solar will kill coal, sooner than Finkel Suggests, Renew Economy, viewed 7 April 2018, Ploeg, F & Withagen, C 2014, ‘Growth, renewables, and the optimal carbon tax’,  International Economic Review, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 283-311. Roberts, D 2017 40 countries are making polluters pay for carbon pollution. Guess who’s not, Vox, viewed 7 April 2018, Sakowski, M, 2016, ‘The Next Contender in High Speed Transport Elon Musks Hyperloop’  The Journal of Undergraduate Research at the University of Illinois at Chicago, vol. 9, no. 2. Shuman, EK, 2010, ‘Global climate change and infectious diseases’,  New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 362, no. 12, pp. 1061-1063. Sweden 2018, Energy use in Sweden, Sweden, viewed 7 April 2018, United States Environmental Protection Agency 2017, Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data, EPA, viewed 7 April 2018,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Compose a report listing the possible ways in which your electronic Essay

Compose a report listing the possible ways in which your electronic files could be lost, stolen, or corrupted, and explain the steps you would take to minimise these threats - Essay Example The most common is intentional action where we purposely delete or remove electronic files from storage or system. The others ways that data may be lost unintentionally could be caused by neglect, failure, force of nature, and theft. a. Neglect – electronic files are often lost because the hardwares that stores them are often neglected. Either the disk or memory stick has been misplaced or the hardware itself was not taken cared of resulting to the corruption of data that was stored in it. b. Hardware, software or systems failure – this often happen when there is an power outage where the work in progress was not saved and thus lost. Files that has been corrupted either by a defective disk or deleted by scan disk are deemed to be hardware and system failure resulting in data loss. c. Force of nature – electronic files can be destroyed by nature too. This can happen when the hardware where the file was stored was destroyed either by a flood, earthquake or other forces of nature. d. Theft – the loss of data by theft is deliberate and often contains sensitive information which has economic value. Loss of data to theft is no different to losing other tangible things to thieves only that the object that was stolen was information. The possibility of losing electronic data cannot be totally eliminated but there are precautionary steps that can be undertaken to prevent such loss. The different type of losing data requires different precautionary measures. In the above category of losing data, the following precautionary measures can be undertaken to minimize the loss of electronic files. a. Neglect – to prevent the loss of data due to neglect, the hardware and the software that contains and enables the electronic file should be taken cared of. A simple maintenance will do such as regular cleaning of the disk that contains the file, scanning system for virus and avoiding usage abuse of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Culture History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Culture History - Essay Example Because it is only through the material remains discovered that some peoples and cultures are now known to have existed, we can only understand these societies by comparing what has been left behind with other cultures that we have more knowledge about. We can interpret the findings in many different ways, all of which may contain some truth relating to the original society, but perhaps none of which offers any accuracy. Yet culture history can provide some accuracy as it is constrained by the artifacts found and the necessities common to all human life. In considering the idea of culture history, it must be acknowledged that nothing is certain regarding our interpretations, but it is also a very real part of our present existence. While we do not have the first-hand accounts of the 15th-century diarist, we do have the ability to compare to human needs as they are expressed today. â€Å"The only way in which we can understand their meaning [the artifacts] – if you will, the way in which we can state the archaeological record in words – is by knowing something about how these material things came into being, about how they have been modified, and about how they acquired the characteristics we see today. That understanding is dependent upon a large body of knowledge which links human activities to the consequences of those activities that may be apparent in material things† (Binford, 19). In the end, we learn more about ourselves because of archaeological study into cultural history.

Monday, August 26, 2019

A Laboratory Scientist in the Organization Assignment

A Laboratory Scientist in the Organization - Assignment Example In a more general term, laboratory scientists in any institution are the head of an experiment and chemical keeping without which it should impact any danger to other members of the organization. a). According to Blanchard and Thacker (2007, p. 25), an employment contract refers to the signing of a paperwork between two parties (employer and employee) to set the commencement of a given work within the specified rules and regulations that seem acceptable and legal by the law and which do not infringe on anyone’s rights. The contract normally has a limit of time. The employers should be responsible for their health and safety. They should identify hazards in a systematic manner and eliminate or isolating those that are possible. For instance, employers may recognize the necessary steps to minimize the hazards, by providing information, as well as warnings. Also, by identifying whether there are any regulations covering their industry and complying with them. Providing protective equipment clothing or ensuring employee provided protective is suitable and ensuring that they are used effectively. They should also be trained in order to impart in them the necessary skills to manage their own safety. Employers should recognize any accident that might have occurred while been out keen so as to avoid the same in the future. Being keen on any signs of a disease and reporting to the clinic immediately in case of any signs. Responding to inspector’s advice and ensuring that work practices together with working hours are followed in a manner that enhances a safe-working condition. Environmental laws currently carried out in England covers the following key areas: waste management, water pollution, air pollution, noise, hazardous substances, contaminated land and the IPC/IPPC regimes. b). ISO is the International organization for standardization, a worldwide organization with representatives from 157 countries.  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Raymond Carver, Analytical paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Raymond Carver, Analytical paper - Essay Example The story tries to explore the notion of different people about love, the uncertainty they face in their love life and the common ideological conflicts they face. In addition, one can see a certain degree of effort from the part of Carver to show the hollowness of the so called ‘true-love’ and its short term nature. The basic ideology the writer tries to express through this story in which nothing happens seems to be that every ‘true love’ contains a certain degree of selfishness as a basic element, and this selfishness haunts every person at varying degrees. In the story, four people sit around a table in an afternoon and start discussion on the topic love while drinking gin. The four people, Terri, her husband Mel, the writer and his wife Laura engage in a discussion on the true meaning of love, though Mel leads the discussion. While Terri and Mel seem to have differences in opinion on the subject, and a greater degree of insecurity too, the other people a ppear strong in their attachment. However, one can see exhibition of selfishness reaching the extent of violence and even killing exhibited by some characters. The first factor that needs to be analyzed seems to be the degree of selfishness expressed by each character. The former love of Terri deserves that place. His love turned a physical obsession with violence. The man loved Terri so much that he even tried to kill her. Terri knows it was love and even now, after marrying Mel, she says ‘I know it was’. As she says it, one can see a rise in the feeling of insecurity faced by Mel and he even strongly argues that true love is spiritual in nature and it has nothing to do with physical. One can see his humble efforts to prove that what Terri got from her first lover was not love. However, Terri seems to possess little idea about the feeling of insecurity her husband faces, or is totally neglecting it, stating again and again that her first lover loved her very much. It s eems from the story that the couple, though sit and drink together, lives in two different poles and have little common consensus. The story makes it clear that though Mel does not like his wife meeting her former lover, she visited him again on his death bed. She accepts the fact that she and Mel spent many days in the fear of that man attacking them, but, even then, she keeps a ‘soft corner’ for him against the wishes of her husband. However, she feels happy, contented, and satisfied in the fact that her husband does not like to talk to his first wife Majorie. She happily explains to others that Mel wishes that Majorie be married again or dies. Thus, the writer succeeds in picturizing how selfishness and obsession are intermingled in the feeling of love. In addition, it shows the female ability to feel for two people at the same time. Terri, based on her personal convenience, jumps from one to another totally ignoring the impact of her activities on the others. Terri even now knows that her first lover loved her and knows very well that Mel loves her. However, she still goes on keeping sentiments for the former lover and yet prefers to live with Mel as it does not involve physical violence. Thus, she adopts a position that is good to no one. Her behavior seems annoying Mel a great deal and that seems to be the reason for his admiration of the narrator’s wife Laura and saying to Laura â€Å"if I did not have Terri, I would fall in love with you†. However, this statement instantly hurts Terri and

Use of PEEP in Ventilation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Use of PEEP in Ventilation - Essay Example A ventilator is a mechanism that provides sufficient oxygen to a patient from externally. Normally, during passive exhalation, the alveolar pressure is the same as the atmospheric pressure at the end of exhalation. Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) is used mainly to recruit or stabilize lung units and improve oxygenation in patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure thereby the pressure of the alveoli at the end of exhalation is maintained at appropriate level. Measurement of respiratory system mechanics in patients who are subjected to external mechanical ventilation suffering from low tidal volumes is important to assess the status of the ailment and to choose appropriate ventilator settings. (Pilar Saura & Lluis Blanch, 2002). Researches so far carried out have thrown light on the descriptive side of application of PEEP. However no controlled studies have been done to demonstrate the best method of choosing the level of PEEP. In fact most physicians hesitate to use PEEP lev el more than 10cm H2O.(Jesus Villar, 2003,) The primary function of the lungs involves the transfer of oxygen from the inhaled air into the blood and the transfer of carbon dioxide from the blood into the exhaled air. Whenever a patient suffers from the malfunctioning of lungs due to improper gas exchange he is supposed to be within the enclave of respiratory failure. ARDS, the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome is often the fertile soil for respiratory failure to get nurtured. In ARDS there is sudden respiratory failure due to the rapid accumulation of fluid in the lungs following an abrupt increase in the permeability of the normal barrier between the capillaries and the alveoli air sacs in the lungs. This damages the capillaries and alveoli air sacs. Leakage of fluid from the damaged capillaries to air sacs causing some sacs to collapse and some sacs filled with the fluid. This makes the lung stiff. Gas exchange is

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Final Response Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Final Response Paper - Essay Example In college writing the readers target to encourage an interesting claim, evidence to the claim as well as the analysis of limits and claim objections. The provision is different from those provided in the secondary level since the secondary level does not prompt utmost rationality and demands for simplicity in their conformation. The synthesis necessary in secondary school writing targets the dummies a converse scenario to the college writing (Sommers 382). Even though many discourses involve writing and reading, some do not involve the outlined practices (Gee 11). Academic writing entails the format, type, and the language. The writing requires the use of formal language throughout to abide by the conventional demands. Under such provisions, the writing discourages the use of short forms of words and abbreviations. The writing has to be in a specific format such as the APA, MLA, Harvard or any other format (Hyland 96). Through the formation of the paper, it has to maintain a type such as an essay, coursework, and dissertation amongst other types as well. The dominant discourse is however contrary to the academic writing since it mostly promotes the passive voice and does not consider formats. Academic writing is different since it also involves instructions that guide all its aspects including the themes to be written about (Sommers 376). The main controversy is the time of engagement into the discourses and the effectiveness of their impacts. There is a group of students considered â€Å"special† in this aspect and cannot be compared to those who get engaged in discourse at tender ages (Gee, 14). Another trouble around teaching academic writing is the conflict of the daily experiences in communication and the requirements of academic writing. The common language and communication tends to be informal and appears not to abide by the demands of academic writing.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Effective Leadership in Virgin Group Company Assignment - 3

Effective Leadership in Virgin Group Company - Assignment Example Sir Branson has the quality of effective leadership, and he has the quality of being punctual and gives results to the organization. He also ensures that other employees working for him should consider the efficiency an important factor in their performance. Punctuality and hard works are the best things to measure the performance of the leader in the organization. He is famous in an organization because of his quality of the risk taker. The risks on investments are clearly identified by Sir Branson. The outcomes of the performances of the employees are the proof that the leadership of the organization is working effectively to enhance the position of the organization. Sir Branson communicates the requirement of the work to its employees in the much better way to increase the efficiency of workers. His workers easily got the idea about the instructions of their leader. Past performances of the employees of the organization are the evidence that the leadership is quite effective and efficient. The leader of the organization could be made more effective if the leader does not change for a couple of years. Unnecessary changing the leader because of the reason except the performance will be harmful to the organization. Performance of the effective leader could be recognized for his contribution towards the organization. His qualities of performance will put a reflection that has put a positive impact on the organization.Sir Branson is the quality of a passionate leader that take into his account the performance of the employees of the organization. He always remains punctual and teaches others to be punctual. Hardworking practices of the CEO of the company could be seen in the financial reports of the company for past many years.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cases in Financial Management Essay Example for Free

Cases in Financial Management Essay Case Synopsis Founded in 1984 Laurentian Bakeries Inc. operates in the industry of manufacturing a vast variety of frozen baked products within their three operating plants in Montreal, Winnipeg and Toronto. The operating plants produce items such as frozen pizza in Winnipeg, MB, pies in Montreal, QC and Cakes in Toronto, ON- with each representing 30%, 30% and 40% of the total revenue stream respectively. The buyers for this company include large institutional clients such domino’s pizza, etc. which have a significantly higher level of power whereas the seller of the products consists of several food producers which have a relatively low level of power. With the cost of setting up a plant of this scale being high, substitute products will also remain high in the market causing the overall profit margin to be low. With the company’s ongoing effort for continuous improvement Danielle Knowles (VP of operations) proposed to expand one of the operating plants in Winnipeg-which was based on the opportunity if the company expanded into the U.S. market. Statement The statement of the problem is how Danielle Knowles will prepare a capital project expenditure proposal to expand the company’s frozen pizza plant in Winnipeg; which is consistent and in line with the company’s capital allocation policy. The proposal should also satisfy the company’s continuous effort for improvement, identification of lost opportunities, satisfaction of HR and environmental impacts and provide sufficient ROI. Situational Analysis The strengths of the company are clearly visible through the company’s effective operations and reputable image in the industry. Being one of the top five in the industry, Laurentian Bakeries has established themselves as a dominant player in the market; however, with a shortage in capacity it can  potentially overpower the strengths due to its negative impact on the company. This includes a decrease in sales and potential decreases in retailer support. Nevertheless, with the acknowledgement of a capacity shortage and an opportunity to expand and grow in the U.S. market the company seems to be in good standing. Moving aside to a different area amongst the competition, all the products are similar which indicate there is heavy competition. The presence of numerous suppliers makes this industry highly competitive, as a result, there is high aggression amongst competitors. This is a leading factor that indicates this is not an attractive business to be in. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths * Danielle Knowles has experience in the food industry for 13 years. This is a great benefit for the company, because she is able to use her knowledge and experience and apply it for Laurentian Bakeries in order to improve operations or even avoid errors. This in return can potentially save the company from incurring additional expenses. * Danielle has her Master’s in Business Administration which indicates that she is educated and has the credentials to maintain her position as the VP of operations. Also, Danielle is able to use that knowledge and apply it to everyday operations of the company. * Laurentian has above average consideration for human resource and environmental impacts. This benefits the company to the extent that it creates a public awareness which shows their commitment to the community which in return can potentially be used as a marketing tool to attract more sales. * Laurentian company is one of the five large firms that produce frozen foods dominating 21% of the market. This indicates that they are a dominant player in the market and have survived many difficulties from various competitions. * Well established and profitable company which indicates that they have survived one full economic cycle and have withstood their competition. * The company has a diversified revenue stream with three operating plants located in major cities which are not as risky as a single revenue stream. * All three segments are profitable. * Low cost pizza producer which is helping to expand into the US. Market. * Laurentian Bakeries has an integrated workforce such as sales, marketing, etc. for all of their operating plants. Weakness * Shortage of capacity. If this weakness is not dealt with the company can face losses in their sales because of the shortage. This in return lowers the overall profit of the company and can potentially decrease buyers if they cannot meet the demand due to the shortage. * Class 1 products are too risky and by taking such a great risk any wrong doing can have a negative impact on the company. Opportunities * Arrangement to supply large U.S. based grocery chain with private label brand. If the opportunity is taken to its advantage the company can potentially see higher figures in sales and profits. * Since U.S. pizza consumption is 3x bigger than the Canadian segment the overall US market is bigger which can potentially lead to a higher market share. * Within N.A. the economy is recovering modestly and is expected to grow. This indicates that consumer spending on discretionary items such as food products will remain strong. Threats * Inflation is forecasted to remain between 3-5%. This may cause interest rates to rise causing the cost of capital to increase higher than its current level. Capital projects such as expansion may suffer. * North American growth rate of gross domestic product slowed down which may lower the company sales. * Threat of new entrants will increase competition and is always a factor that makes the sales aggressive. * Health Conscious consumers will potentially affect sales due to the products offered by Laurentian Bakeries are considered â€Å"unhealthy.† With on-going health awareness the products offered by Laurentian Bakeries might not meet the changing demand of consumers. Porter’s Five Forces Buyer’s Power * Mixed Power. * There are two types of buyers: large institutional buyers such as  domino’s pizza pizza pizza as well as large retailers. Thousands of smaller clients have less power because of their current low clientele base. Supplier Power * Low Power. * Pizza suppliers distribute production to pizza stores, restaurants and grocery chain stores. Since there are numerous suppliers in the market for ingredients such as cheese, flour, vegetables, etc. they have low power. Barriers to Entrant * High * Due to high capital costs, skilled workforces, environmental regulations, high distribution channels, entry into this industry is high. Threat of Substitute * High * The products offered by Laurentian such as their Pizza can be made at home or even purchased fresh from fast food restaurants. Also they can easily be substituted for other products such as calzone, sandwiches, tacos, etc. Competition * High * There is high competition for the items offered by Laurentian Bakers. Competition for their pizza baked items can easily be substituted through franchised restaurants such as Pizza Pizza, Boston Pizza, Pizza Hut, etc. also competition is high through other companies offering the same goods. In addition, this company is also competing against other food products rather than frozen pizza alone. Financial Analysis Financial Summary: Laurentian Bakeries is seeing a cash increase from $6.2 million in 1993 to almost double its value of $13.1 million in 1995. At the same time long term debt for the company has increased by $7.23 million which indicated that Laurentian Bakeries is funded by its long term debt and has not utilized its cash and therefore has incurred additional interest expenses. Moving over to the sales figures, Laurentian Bakeries has seen an increase of 11% from 1993-95; however, net income is flat which indicates that their COGS and operating expenses have also risen almost at the same pace as sales. This setback has no advantage to the shareholders. Alternatives 1. Continue original plans to continue expansion in Winnipeg. 2. Build a plant in U.S. to cater to that market. 3. Buy an existing plant. 4. Expand the Toronto plant as it is the strongest plant for the company. Recommendations By carefully analyzing all the alternatives, we recommend alternative one as the best fit solution to this company due to it being most practical at the company’s current situation. We strongly believe that continuing original plans to expand in Winnipeg is the beneficial solution for the company as they already produce the same type of products and have the additional land to carry forward the expansion, because this plant is a low cost producer and is ideal to utilize the U.S private label sector. In addition, this alternative is beneficial because it is consistent with the company’s overall objectives. Given the discount rate of 18% and a $5.2 million capital investment the NPV of the expected cash flow is positive. Moreover, recommendation one is the best suited for this company because: * There is land readily available in Winnipeg. This can save the company some money in terms of the expansion because these will incur less of an expense due to Laurentian owning the extra land space. * Building a plant in U.S. will require a lot of capital, additional expenses for hiring, training, etc., and potential change in production, management or other techniques due to different regulations in U.S. * Expanding in Toronto will also require additional capital and additional time to hire and train the workforce to produce the pizza products which aren’t produced in the Toronto facility.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Italian Neorealism And Bicycle Thieves Film Studies Essay

Italian Neorealism And Bicycle Thieves Film Studies Essay It is evident that Italian Neorealism and the life of post-war shaped DeSisas film Bicycle Thieves (1948). However, with much debate, one can argue that the sentimental nature of the film overwhelms the films potential to make a powerful political statement. With reference to important scenes from the film, Italian neorealist principles focused on; location, lighting, typage, dà ©cor, loose camera shots, eye-level angles, invincible editing and reportage, as well as and the usage of sentiment One can justifiably claim that the powerful political statement is not overwhelmed by sentiment, and in fact enhances the message the film aims to give off. The uniqueness of the Italian works, vise-a-visa other relevant cineamas, lies in their stylistic organization of elements of apparent rawness, their emotional intensity, and their focus on current political and social problems. (P. Adams Sitney, 1995) Thus, one is able to identify Italian Neorealism as the harmonizing of sentiment (emotional intensity) and awareness of political and social problems through Neorealist principles, which inevitably feeds off from an happening that affected the world, and specifically as we see in the history influence in this film; Italy. This change in society brought about characteristics and principles which became noticeable in cinema during this time period. These principles not only molded the film Bicycle Thieves, but were used to bring about a message to the audience. A message which was not overwhelmed by emotional rawness but a message of a social movement awareness reflected through cinema. Neorealism was not only what I came to see as a propaganda device, but an influential and significant movement in film history, which occurred in Italy at the ending of World War II. (John Stubbs, 2010: pg 1) Italy moved from fascism and dictatorship, whereby much was revolved around a single-party position as one can clearly see in the Holocaust, to an equal and democratic society. Here we see this so effectively reflected through Bicycle Thieves when converging neorealist principles, the idea of sentiment to enhance the political statement and the apparent rawness which adds power to the social conditions Through the overall statement to justifiably prove that sentiment was not a downfall to DeSicas focus. The filmmakers and directors clearly believed they had an ethical task to use cinema and film as a means to promote the social amendment that had just occurred post the war. Ideally, it wasnt so much about the storyline of the film and its characters, but more about making the public aware of the difficulties that working people had to face. Here we see a Marxist approach on the rebuilding of Italy whereby unlike the mythology of Classic Hollywood, no single person can change the world and the ultimate society would inevitably be a classless society, as Leo Tolstroy (1882) successfully explains; Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself, for when everyone changes themselves, the world will change.   Neorealisms origin of strength lies in the documentary excellence which is used to portray the realism of the story as realism can only occupy in art from a dialectal position. (Andrà © Bazin, 1971) One might speculate what Bicycle Thieves would be like in colour, however the black and white aspect highlights the tone of the film being a bleak, depressing emotion contrary to the usage of colour which would highlight liveliness and energy and go against the tone of the film. Black and white not only attaches an emotion, but is a form of rebellion to genre and movements that found success in colour. Thus, clearly showing that the sentiment brings about the tone of the film which enhances the message of presenting the gloomy conditions of poverty in post-war Italy. Andre Bazin (1971: 20) describes this through referring to the term reconstituted reportage. Reconstituted reportage is seen through how the every day events are shown, and the daily happenings which would have and did happen in Italy at that period of time. This adds, as discussed above, far more truth to the film and is not the making of a documentary but rather shown and seen in a documentary-type way through with which Bazin (1971) refers to as a journalistic style. Bicycle Thieves has gives off a documentary experience to the audience which could not be removed from the script without thereby eliminating the whole social setting into which its roots are so deeply sunk (Bazin, 1971: 20). Bazin (1971) points out that realism and truth in film is a product of artifice. Truth is an important principle of neorealism, as truth brings realism; the more believable the film is to the audience, the more truthful it is thus, it is seen as realistic. We see this through DeSicas film techniques extensively set out to enhance the opportunity for the audience to live in the story. The real location shooting aids far more freedom and looseness for mise-en-scene, to such an extend that the camera-man is unsure what to look for. An example from the film can be seen when Antonio and Bruno walk away from a car in the street, meander in the streets for a bit heading in the same direction and then suddenly they both go the opposite way. As a viewer, the focus of the camera comes across somewhat as uncertain as the viewer experiences when watching a film for the first time. Here we see how such a camera technique can enhance realism and the opportunity for the audience to experience it. Another technique which is so different to Eisensteins Battleships Potempkin (1925) is that montage is avoided due to jump cutting, removing a sense of truth and realism, with noting that montage is, if anything, modifies realism. This can be seen through the truth of the characters the aesthetics of realism; lighting, location, dà ©cor, camera shots, camera angles and editing. This not only brings about authenticity but also creates a much stronger message for the audience. In Bicycle Thieves, there is a correlation between truth and sentiment, and truth and the political statement Which are justifiably both used in this film without over powering one another (balance) in order to positively enhance the films message. Inevitably, in order for a director to get an actual event (post-war) understood by his audience truth and realism is the most effective approach. Neorealism focuses on the characters and themes without much focus on the plot itself as the plot is seen to warp the truth about people if focus is too much on the execution statement and not the input which is the reasoning for the statement and the very focal point the viewers need exposure to (John Stubbs, 2010: pg 4) Thus, the film wouldve not only been monotonous if there was no sentiment (due to there not being enough material if there was no storyline about characters and a central theme), but to know and understand a situation, one must be put in a stance where one has the opportunity of learning a huge amount about the faith and frustrations of a human being. Equally, a monotonous film due to no sentiment from characters and a central theme, is inevitably a failed film. Through this, neorealists are able to portray truth to a greater extend through bringing about simplicity yet a means of understanding the real life through everyday characters and a central theme (getting t he bicycle back); a main appeal in films even today. Likewise, without sentiment, we wouldnt be exposed to a equilibrium between objective shots of each of the characters and subjective shots showing the audience the characters point-of-view in the social and political conditions they are experiencing. One can also agree that the sentiment aids the whole use of Neorealism principles. Without characters, loose shots wouldnt be blatant to the audience (also in comparison to the few novelty used close-up shots) as loose shots show freedom, which thus emphasizes truth and realism. The storyline being as simple as the search for a bicycle, doesnt take the political statement too far away from the message. Likewise, the actual characters in the film are everyday normal people. We can see this through the workman being found in the factory, the child being found wondering around the streets and the wife being found through her writing. (Andre Bazin, 1971) This is known as Typage whereby there is no star system which immediately creates a far more realistic/truth approach and feel. Similarly, the locations and dà ©cor are real and not built-up or made-up, the lighting is natural which attempts to present reality as it is, the editing is invincible which enhances truth and the camera is free which is unrestricted and brings about a far more convincing viewing. Neorealists not only conformed to such techniques for that these techniques best suited execution of maximum realism in cinema, but is a cinema movement which brought about much rebellion too. Italian Neorealism had already provided a cinematic model for rebellion, both against the conventions imposed by the political and social states ideology (Mark Mesaros, 2010) and past cinema movements such as the success seen in montage in German Expressionism. With the storyline of the characters and the truth which is by principle brought about, I fully agree that it brings sentiment to the screens. However, it puts you (the audience) in a far more heart-felt and understanding position which I believe brings about the political statement in a far more expressive way, rather than a theoretical and cold approach. And as some agree, its not even sentimental its just painful. (The Internet Movie Database, 2010: retrieved 28 April) Instead of a cold theoretical approach which would entail no sentiment, we are introduced to a family who are ordinary and by no means are glamorous heros which is commonly seen in Classical Hollywood. Quite frankly, if we werent introduced to characters and the sentiment they bring, which play a role in this film, I personally dont think much of a political statement would be made as one needs interest to grasp a statement. As we see in Classic Hollywood, the emotional character identification influences the message of the film and is a central characteristic, contrary to Italian Neorealism where characters are everyday individuals who are put in a equal light which intention, also enhances the message this movement wishes to portray. The character of Ricci is the focus of the film, however we are not interested in him but rather what will happen next in the films sequence of events. And even though characters bring about sentiment and the viewer starts becoming attached to the ro le the characters plays, in Bicycle Thieves, Bruno the son unsentimentally still criticizes and looks down on his father. Noticeably very different to what we see in Classic Hollywood. In response to the representation of the political statement made in this film, we are clearly able to see this in noticeable scenes in the film. In the first scene, the camera follows Ricci from the unemployment gathering to his wife where the housing project is in the background, which is fully exhibited to the viewer showing the bleak conditions. We see the men and woman arguing about employment and shortage of water. This emphasis on long and medium shots which appeals to the truth in the film enhances the political message due to the events getting exhibited on a whole Whereas close up would bring more sentiment. Long and medium shots show the actor loosely framed in his environment and allow the viewer opportunity to look around in that environment with the added enhancement of the shots taken at eye level. As well as minimized jumps and shifts through editing to bring more real life to the cinema audience. Thus we see here that sentiment is not overwhelming the political statement, but rather the political statement is actually taking dominance in the shots. Of course DeSica did move in for close-up shots every now and then which becomes a novelty and is in effect very strong and holds the base to string along the story of the characters and the central object, which is needed to (as mentioned earlier) keep the audience interested and not bored. The central object being the bicycle. They are everywhere and yet treasured, and the shortcoming of the Ricci familys position is enforced when Antonios bicycle is stolen. Here, the object brings sentiment to enforce the political statement, and what I find even more interesting is how the title changed from Bicycle Thief to Bicycle Thieves as ultimately it becomes a vicious cycle of survival as one has to steal their own bicycle back from the thief, therefore becoming a thief resulting in thieves. This therefore constitutes to the message of the film, for the continuous battle of the haves and have-nots. Through the character of Antonio, it is the faith that drives him and allows him follow within his quest to find his stolen bicycle. Although DeSicas bleak realism of the post-war gives purpose to the central theme of the film, it is ultimately the conflict of human-optimism which gives the film and its political statement its power and without human sentiment, one can argue that the film would not produce affective power. If we look at three scenes, we are able to see how sentiment brings power to the political statement. In one scene we see Antonio and Maria trade in their bed linen. The camera moves away from them (long shot) and we see the heaps of bed-linen behind the counter-table. This immediately becomes a somewhat gloomy reminder of the extensive nature of unemployment while recognizing its effect on the heart of families household lives. Again we see how realistic the lighting is and how the framing is loose to incorporate the environmental conditions to promote the political message. In another scene we see Ricci reporting his bicycle stolen and is directed by the policeman to the piles of alike reported cases. His account and circumstances are not singular, and we see here how it is not only this family that is going through this but also a lot of people. (Note the title: Thieves and not Thief) Thus portraying the political message that goes beyond this familys personal sentiment. Here we are also shown how humanitarianism prohibited Ricci from pressing official charges anti the thief, and the same moral fiber that became apparent after he stole the bicycle. (Paul Baxa, 2011) He did what the thief did to him. One can argue that such a film was essential in Italy as through this family we have the opportunity of being a bystander to the horrendously forceful civil war amoungst fascists and its ongoing of killing and reprisals through seeing how this effects one, and how not only effecting this family but many others. Italy in post-war was in desperate need of healing and compassion even at the cost of a perceived injustice. (Paul Baxa, 2011) Like art, theatrical drama, writing and poetry cinema had the same power to reach to the masses, into their hearts and minds, and make them aware of the political and social conditions. Healing does not come from the government and leaders of the country, but comes from within the everyday man on the streets you and me. Thus, from the Riccis, those being affected by the war and living within such conditions as well as the audience viewing this film who can in many ways relate. In another scene, arguably the most sentimental scene yet what I believe portrays the political message more powerfully than any other- we see the father and sons relationship come to a mend. It is understood with looking into the Italian family lifestyle, that the father and sons relationship is by far the strongest and most special. Little Brunos appearance when taking his fathers hand in the last scene is merely a realistic point of life and is a means of facing life with your father an important part in Italian culture. With Bruno being the witness of the tragedy and finally coming to realize his father is not a hero after all (contrary to Classic Hollywood), much like the audience being a witness too, this scene gives off a sense of aggravation, mortification, paradox and most of all acceptance to survival. These sentimental feelings therefore expresses the political statement as this ending of when the father and son take hands, expresses manhood and the hardship of survival one needs to go through with still looking for a sense of acceptance. Bazin (1971) explains this father/son scene as reaching puberty. Up to that moment the man has been like a god to his son and their relations came under the heading of admiration. By the fathers actions of becoming a thief, the father has in doing so compromised all heroism that his son had seen in him. However, this scene is seen as acceptance not only in survival, but also acceptance of ones father and supposed role model. He will love him henceforth as a human being, shame and all. (Bazin, 1971: pg 54) This scene inevitabely becomes a deceptive one, as the truth and reality of this acceptance and now found happiness through the fathers wrong doings, depends all on the central object the bicycle. Bicycle Thieves therefore inevitably portrayed the political statement through expressing the social conditions without expressing solutions. One might argue that this is a downfall, however at this moment in time solutions were not theoretical and if healing was going to occur it was going to have to come from the people. Thus, this film is inevitably awareness that needs to be found in each individual, which will create its own solution. Much like the theme and characters inevitably creating a plot on its own in Neorealism. The neorealist approach doesnt have an inbuilt political statement solution, as the most widespread attribute of neorealism is; on location shooting and the feeling of truth. (John Stubbs, 2010) Exactly what Bicycle Thieves so effectively does. One must also remember when viewing this film in the 21st century that twenty-five percent of the Italian workforce was unemployed at the time (William Heuvel, 2008) and if you were employed, getting to work was with th e use of a bicycle. The object of the bicycle thus symbolized survival. In conclusion, one can therefore justifiably argue that the sentimental nature of Bicycle Thieves does not overwhelm the political statement but essentially enhances it. If the political statement made in the film was to feed off a means of a solution, and the solution could only be found in the common individual like the Riccis family then one needs to understand the individuals situation as well as have an opportunity to walk in their shoes. Through sentiment that is not overly used in this film, one can see the hardship for survival through the story of these characters in order to become aware, as well as stay intrigued. Without focalizing power of the central character but rather the political statement through the characters, this film uses The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic. (Joseph Stalin, 1953) to its advantage by effectively showing the tragedy of individuals with indication to the masses statistic through apparent rawness and emotional intensity focused on such political and social problems. (P. Adams Sitney, 1995)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Gene Therapy: History and Advancements

Gene Therapy: History and Advancements Gene therapy is an advanced and evolving technology that is being researched and developed extensively. It is an experimental technique that simply, introduces a gene into cells, in the place of a defective or missing gene to correct a genetic disorder. Gene therapy is very interesting and it is very important for scientists to grow the knowledge of gene therapy which can be expanded and applied to help correct different genetic disorders. In 1966, a paper was published by Edward Tatum, proposing the effectiveness of viruses to be used in gene therapy. A couple of years after the paper was published, a demonstration proved Edwards concept true. The term gene therapy arose during the 1960s and 1970s. The first successful patient to be treated with gene therapy was in 1990, a four-year-old girl who had ADA (Adenosine deaminase deficiency), a disease that severally affects the immune system and its ability to fight infections. The therapy consisted of her white blood cells being taken from her and being inserted with the correct genes for making ADA, which was then reinjected into her. Along with her, another nine-year-old was infused with their own corrected cells over a two-year period. Gene therapy has multiple uses, the main being used to fix defective genes or to replace missing genes. Researchers and scientists have been working on gene therapy for decades and the future is very encouraging. Gene therapy can be used to correct a mutated gene. Gene therapy has successfully cured multiple diseases such as immune deficiencies like Severe Combines Immune Deficiency, Adenosine deaminase deficiency, different types of inherited blindness, haemophilia, blood diseases, fat metabolism disorder and gene therapy treatments are under development for cancer. A promising discovery of an effective treatment for melanoma has provided hope for many cancer sufferers. Although gene therapy holds a promise for treating a range of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, haemophilia, cystic fibrosis, it is only available as part of a clinical trial. Gene therapy is the future of curing diseases. Through the process of gene therapy, genes are able to be introduced into existing cells to cure a wide range of diseases. Some examples of gene therapy successes include: Parkinsons disease is a disease that targets the brain, causing the patient to lose cells. As the disease advances, the sufferers lose the ability to control their movements. After a small group of patients were treated by the introduction of new normal cells, they all had improved muscle control. Beta-Thalassemia is a disease where patients dont have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. Sufferers depend on constant blood transfusions for survival. In 2007, a patient with a severe blood disease received gene therapy to treat the blood stem cells. After the treatment, the patient was able to raise the level of healthy red blood cells. The patient is now living without blood transfusions. Immune deficiencies are among the first genetic disorders to be treated successfully by gene therapy. An example would be Severe Combined Immune Deficiency. SCID was one of the first to be treated by gene therapy. The cure for SCID has been modified since it was first discovered because the old cure could potentially trigger leukemia. The cure now uses safer vectors which are much less likely to cause cancer. Still in research, gene therapy is far from being perfected. Gene therapy has many risks because of this. Some risks may include inflammation because of how your immune system responded to the working gene copy, the working gene might be slotted in the wrong spot, the working gene might produce too much of the missing protein or enzyme it was targeted to do, causing complicated health problems and other genes may be delivered to the cell instead of the correct gene and the deactivated virus that was intended to target a cell might target another cell. Because gene therapy changes how your body functions, some people may be against that idea because they believe that it is ethically wrong to do. For example, some people might believe that God made us how we are and it is not up to us to change our genes and how they function to fix our imperfections. Gene therapy is still in development and conducting gene therapy clinical trials with genetically modified organisms presents potential safety and infection issues. All human clinical trials that are undertaken in Australia must be conducted under either the Clinical Trial Notification (CTN) or Clinical Trial Exemption schemes (CTX). In addition to the compliance to the CTN or CTX, any human clinical trials involving gene therapy must also require approval by the Gene Technology regulator under the Gene Technology Act of 2000. The intention of the Gene technology act is to protect the health and safety of people, and to protect the environment, by identifying risks posed by or as a result of gene technology. I believe that gene therapy is a big advancement in science. Gene therapy has the potential to revolutionize the way we can cure diseases. Gene therapy, if perfected, has an enormous potential to do good such as curing genetic disorders, but things such as genetic engineering are being researched more. There are already some foods such as rice, that has been genetically altered to have more minerals and vitamins, including vitamin A. This sort of genetic modification isnt bad because it can help increase vitamin levels in some populations of the world that do not have access to more nutritious foods. The concerning side to genetic engineering would be that scientists could find ways to manipulate anything wee need such as our height, build, gender, eye sight ability, potentially developing super-humans.