Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Say Any in Spanish
How to Say Any in Spanish The English word any has no single equivalent in Spanish, and when it is used to mean an uncountable noun or a plural noun, it is usually left out completely.à There are a few cases where you can use the word any to mean some, none or whatever, and in those cases, there is a translation for the word. When Any Can Be Omitted in Translation In many cases, any as an adjective is superfluous in Spanish, adding little independent meaning and can be omitted without much change in how the sentence is understood. Under those circumstances, and especially in questions, the word can usually be left untranslated in the Spanish equivalent.à English Sentence Spanish Translation If you have any additional questions about this product, you can check the label. Si tienes preguntas adicionales sobre este producto, puedes consultar la etiqueta. Are there any books about the National Museum in English? à ¿Hay libros sobre el Museo Nacional en inglà ©s? If we don't make any progress this week, a huge job will be left for us next week. Si no hacemos progresos esta semana, nos quedar una tarea monumental para la semana prà ³xima. Do you want any more carrots? à ¿Quieres ms zanahorias? I don't feel any pain. No siento dolor. Remember, there are times when any can or should be translated. There are a few ways to express the idea of any when it can mean some, none, whichever, or whatever in a sentence. When Any Means None Double negatives are common and acceptable in Spanish. In negative sentences, any can often be translated as ninguno, which varies according to number and gender. Note that ninguno is shortened to ningà ºn when it comes before a singular masculine noun. Like any, ninguno and its variations can function as both adjectives and pronouns. English Sentence Spanish Translation If you don't have any of these documents, you can submit one of the following. Si no tiene ninguno de estos documentos, puede someter uno de los siguientes. I don't see any advantages for the citizens. No veo ningunas ventajas para los ciudadanos. I don't feel any pain. No siento ningà ºn dolor. By using a double negative, in Spanish, it can allow the speaker to be emphatic. As is the case with the example, I dont feelà anyà pain. The speaker can simple state,à No siento dolor.à However, when using the double negative and stating,à No sientoà ningà ºnà dolor.à The speaker is emphasizing a state of being that is extremely pain free. It is similar to an English speaker saying, I dont feel any pain, not a one. When Any Means Some When any is used in a sentence and it stands in as a pronoun meaning some, it can be expressed in two ways as algunoà or algunos for the singular and plural masculine pronoun andà alguna or algunasà for the singular and plural feminine pronoun. An example of this would be,à I have two dogs. Do you have any? In the second sentence, you can replace the word any with alguno.à Tengo dos perros à ¿Tienes alguno? When Any Means Whatever or Whichever When any is used to mean that a variety of choices will do, such as whatever or whichever in English, you can use cualquiera, which is shortened to cualquier when used as an adjective before a masculine or feminine noun.à English Sentence Spanish Translation I am looking for any Harry Potter book. Busco cualquier libro de Harry Potter. Any mother can distinguish her child from all other children. Cualquier madre puede distinguir a su hijo de todos los dems nià ±os. "Which meal do you want to eat?" Any one. It doesn't matter." Cualquiera. No importa. It is absolutely prohibited to provide syringes or hypodermic needles in any way. Es absolutamente prohibido suministrar de cualquier modo jeringuillas o agujas hipodà ©rmicas.
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