Monday, November 25, 2019

Preparing for the Revised GRE in One Month

Preparing for the Revised GRE in One Month Youre ready to go. Youve registered for the Revised GRE and now you have a month before you take the exam. What should you do first? How do you prepare for the GRE in one month when you dont want to hire a tutor or take a class? Listen. You dont have too much time, but thank goodness youre preparing for a test one month in advance and didnt wait until you only had a few weeks or even days. If youre preparing for a test of this kind of magnitude, read on for a study schedule to help you get a good GRE score! Preparing for the GRE in One Month: Week 1 Double Check: Make sure your GRE registration is 100% all set to be sure youre actually registered for the Revised GRE. Youd be amazed how many people think theyre taking the test when theyre not.Purchase A Test Prep Book: Buy a comprehensive GRE test prep book from a well-known test prep company like The Princeton Review, Kaplan, PowerScore, etc. GRE apps are great and all (here are some fabulous GRE apps!), but typically, they are not as comprehensive as a book. Heres a list of some of the best.Jump Into the Basics: Read the Revised GRE test basics like the length of time youll test, the GRE scores you can expect, and the test sections.Get a Baseline Score:Â  Take one of the full-length practice tests inside the book (or for free online through ETSs PowerPrep II Software) to see what score youd get if you took the test today. After testing, determine the weakest, middle, and strongest of the three sections (Verbal, Quantitative or Analytical Writing) according to your baseline tes t. Set Your Schedule: Map out your time with a time management chart to see where GRE test prep can fit in. Rearrange your schedule if necessary to accommodate test prep, because you must aim to study every day – you only have one month to prepare! Preparing for the GRE in One Month: Week 2 Start Where Youre Weak: Begin coursework with your weakest subject (#1) as demonstrated by the baseline score.Nab The Basics: Learn the basics of this section fully as you read, and take notes about the types of questions asked, the amount of time needed per question, skills required, and content knowledge tested.Dive In: Answer #1 practice questions, reviewing answers after each one. Determine where youre making mistakes. Highlight those areas to return to.Test Yourself: Take a practice test on #1 to determine your level of improvement from the baseline score.Tweak #1: Fine tune #1 by reviewing the areas you highlighted and questions missed on the practice test. Practice this section until you have the strategies cold. Preparing for the GRE in One Month: Week 3 Head to Middle Ground: Move on to your middle subject (#2) as demonstrated by the baseline score.Nab The Basics: Learn the basics of this section fully as you read, and take notes about the types of questions asked, the amount of time needed per question, skills required, and content knowledge tested.Dive In: Answer #2 practice questions, reviewing answers after each one. Determine where youre making mistakes. Highlight those areas to return to.Test Yourself: Take a practice test on #2 to determine your level of improvement from the baseline score.Tweak #2: Fine tune #2 by reviewing the areas you highlighted and questions missed on the practice test. Return to the areas in the text youre still struggling with.Strength Training: Move on to the strongest subject (#3). Learn the basics of this section fully as you read, and take notes about the types of questions asked, the amount of time needed per question, skills required, and content knowledge tested.Dive In: Answer practice questio ns on #3. Test Yourself: Take a practice test on #3 to determine the level of improvement from baseline.Tweak #3: Fine tune #3 if necessary. Preparing for the GRE in One Month: Week 4 Simulate The GRE: Take a full-length practice GRE test, simulating the testing environment as much as possible with time constraints, desk, limited breaks, etc.Score and Review: Grade your practice test and cross-check every wrong answer with the explanation for your wrong answer. Determine the types of questions youre missing and head back to the book to see what you need to do to improve.Test Again: Take one more full-length practice test and rescore. Review incorrect answers.Fuel Your Body: Eat some brain food – studies prove that if you take care of your body, you’ll test smarter!Rest: Get plenty of sleep this week.Relax: Plan a fun evening the night before the exam to reduce your testing anxiety.Prep Prior: Pack your testing supplies the night before: sharpened #2 pencils with a soft eraser, registration ticket, photo ID, watch, snacks or drinks for breaks.Breathe: You did it! You studied successfully for the Revised GRE exam, and youre as ready as youre going to b e!

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